Within the last couple of months he have found that there are 545 children under the U.S. Government's custody. Some news sites like NBC News state that this is an act of "government sanctioned child abuse", children being kept in cages for the last three years unable to find their parents, because of Trump's action. Trump's actions were that three years ago he started a zero tolerance policy that separated children from the people crossing the border with them until tried by a jury, but some of the children still have not reunited with their parents. However, some sites like Politico say that it is hard to find these parents because the children did not come with them and some parents don't even want them back. While unclear on the morality of the separation it is also unclear to how well these children are living, some live in with sponsors or relatives, in hotels paid for by government or in onsite cages. Trump however at the second presidential debate pointed the finger of the cages on to the Obama administration. At the debate both parties (Biden's and Trumps's) were able to address the situation. After watching the video of the debate and seeing the vast different stories on both sides do you think that Trumps actions were just. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/lawyers-say-they-can-t-find-parents-545-migrant-children-n1244066
10/30/2020 10:53:00 am
Children cannot be united with their parents when their parents are in jail. They are also not united with their parents when they are illegally smuggled across the border by people who are not even their relatives. It is a terrible situation that the children are forced to endure, which is why they are separated from those who are putting them in those situations. Many of these children are then kept in “cages” until a proper parent is found. This process may be short or take years, but President Trump cannot determine how fast parents are found and in the meantime he has to keep them in a safe or controlled environment. His only other option would be to send them back to their home country by themselves which doesn’t seem like a better idea.
11/1/2020 06:31:20 pm
If it takes over a few years just put them in an orphanage. At this point it’s pretty obvious the parents are no where to be found and an orphanage would at least give the kid a chance to live his own life. Plus they’d be given new parents that actually want them and can be accounted for.
11/1/2020 06:42:49 pm
Yea it’s a real big mess that’s going to take a few years to clean up. By the time it’s all done the kids gonna be adults ready to be citizens of the United States of America.
Caden Caywood
11/1/2020 07:53:59 pm
I agree that the other option of sending the children alone, back to their home country would not at all help them. Even though the process takes time and sucks for the child, it is the best option we currently have.
11/1/2020 05:19:33 pm
Children cannot be with their families again when the government isn’t organized enough to find their parents. These kids will be forced to have to go to an orphanage because the government lost their parents. It’s possible some of the children’s parents are in jail or not in the United States. This is still no excuse to as why 545 children have no where to go but an orphanage. I hope next time the government does a better job of tracking their parents otherwise we could be left with even more homeless children next time.
11/1/2020 05:31:45 pm
These kids should not have to be put through the neglect they are, but it is a product of law breaking parents. Our government needs to figure out how real deal with the entire situation at the border, and especially the children without family.
Aidan Adams
11/1/2020 06:47:10 pm
Yeah the government really do be slacking at tracking families down. It is hard to track anyone down in Mexico though to be honest. It’s a wild place let me tell ya, I recommend.
Johnathon Simmons
11/1/2020 07:18:00 pm
545-ish sets of parents, nowhere to be found, is astonishing. While some may be somewhere in the USA, others may be back in Mexico. To be honest, Mexico isn't even close to being at the level the United States is at so unless The US starts doing all the tracking without relying on Mexico at all, there's not much of a chance all these parents will be found.
Aidan Adams
11/1/2020 06:31:04 pm
What the hell else is he gonna do? He’s doing everything he can for those kids which is a whole lot more than Obama did. Trump literally inherited this problem created by Biden and Obama. At least he is attempting to fix it rather than trying to bury it. No person is perfect, especially Trump, but I give him credit for trying to right some wrongs rather than just bury it all and act like nothing bad ever happens.
11/1/2020 06:32:48 pm
Fair point. Everyone is human and therefore we all make mistakes. Instead of trying to hide the bad parts of our country, let’s attempt to fix them. Of course there is a lot more that can be done but at least we’re on the right track.
Johnathon Simmons
11/1/2020 07:09:42 pm
This would really be a bad circumstance to try to burry. It is also a hard one to handle. We may think there's better ways of doing things but progress is being made in the right direction.
11/1/2020 07:30:33 pm
I agree with your point an the attempts that trump has made to try and resolve this problematic issue. That being said, do you think this is the peak of Trumps expectations for this situation, or do you think he will further continue to advance his reforms on boarder control?
11/1/2020 08:07:27 pm
This almost creates a better name for our country when we say that our president is making efforts to give immigrant children a chance to be reunited with their families, which doesn't come across as all that bad.
Johnathon Simmons
11/1/2020 07:08:08 pm
Trump's action of separating children from people who are trying cross the border illegally is justified because children are being brought across by people who are not the family. Even if that's not the case with all instances, it is the case with enough that separating the children from the adults is justified. 1/3 of the DNA tests showed that the children did not match with the people who brought them over. It's a very unfortunate situation but so is thousands of kids being stuck with people who may not want good things for them if you catch my drift.
11/1/2020 07:27:48 pm
That is a good point about the rarity in which the children crossing the border match that of their “parent”. However do you think there is at all a better approach that both satisfies our country’s laws and gives those children an opportunity at success?
11/1/2020 07:32:16 pm
Anytime you children away from a parent or guardian its never a good situation but I have heard many stories with every possibility that I can not know how to feel about it. I do agree with you on the fact that a lot of the children do not matching DNA and a lot of that is from human trafficking but I have also heard that it is because the non-blood related legal guardian, but when an illegal alien it is hard to prove.
11/1/2020 07:22:47 pm
The actions of Trump over the last four years of his presidency have been much less influential than his initial statements. As a business man, it is in his blood to create an atmosphere that is unrealistic to the real world and this ultimately leads the people of this nation to a rude awakening. He has does this with the health care, crime, and now his falsified border control reforms. Which has left the country with countless undocumented orphans. This challenge has been avoided by placing those children into poor living conditions and forcing them to cope with our “society”. This is not the right course of action at all, however at least it is an attempt. The Democratic Party has never succumbed to the idea of even trying to resolve this problematic situation. And that leaves me to side with the efforts of the Trump and his party, for although they haven’t come close to accomplishing a productive reform, he has at least started the race to solve boarder inequality.
11/1/2020 07:40:30 pm
While Trump never has really went around things in the best way I agree that he finds problems with things and at least acknowledges them.
Caden Caywood
11/1/2020 07:55:16 pm
I guess one attempt at solving a problem is better than ignoring it as a whole.
Caden Caywood
11/1/2020 07:51:27 pm
The entire situation is a very difficult one to handle no matter the circumstances. To make matters worse every single case is unique and different. Some children may be brought over by loving parents who want what is best for them, but some may be brought over by criminals who want an excuse to get in. The point is, it is impractical to solve each case individually which means that all cases must be treated as the worst case scenario. Although this means that it may look terrible for our country or president it is what is required for the protection of the US. Also, after some time the possible cases can be looked at individually and if they're good, giving that family an opportunity in the country.
11/1/2020 08:01:05 pm
You bring up a good point in saying that every situation is different. There is no way to set a standard or process that meets every individual want or need which is why the whole thing can be hard to maintain.
11/1/2020 07:59:15 pm
The process of reuniting children with their parents in this situation has been proven to be difficult but the fact that there is effort being put into giving immigrant children their lives back with their families is definitely a start. Instead of putting these children back into a dangerous environment without the guide of their parents, the US Government is giving resources that provide them with a second chance to be reunited and hopefully start a better life. The high immigrations numbers may make these living conditions not quite meet five start standards, but it does provide a place where the children can be safe and they know there is progression in bringing them back to their families. Like with most things, there is always room for improvement and it is finding a humane and productive way to bring them back together that we know is ultimately the end goal.
11/1/2020 08:30:12 pm
A safe place with resources is better than being sent away. Hopefully the parent finding process is sped up, but many times there are no parents to be found.
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