English IV Vocabulary Words
Beowulf Vocabulary Words
1. anathema – anything accursed or consigned to damnation
2. lair – wild animal’s resting place
3. wassail – festive occasion
4. parley – to discuss terms, approach a treaty
5. mail – armor made of rings, chains, or plates
6. mead – an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting a mixture of honey and water
7. baleful – gloomy, menacing,
8. ignominious – shameful; disgraceful; humiliating
9. heathen – a person who does not belong to a widely held religion as regarded by those that do
10. hoard - an accumulation or collection of anything valuable hidden away or laid by for preservation or future use; stock; store
11. depredations – making a prey of, plundering, pillaging, ravaging
12. hart – a stag; male deer
13. alacrity – briskness or cheerful readiness
14. dirges – laments for the dead
15. disconsolate – unhappy; comfortless
16. languishing – to lose vigor and vitality
17. suppurating – producing or discharging pus, as a wound
18. quelled – to suppress; put an end to; extinguish
19. virulent – actively poisonous
20. gloaming – twilight; dusk
21. beseeched – to implore urgently
22. accoutrement – apparel, outfit; equipment
23. ensconced – established or settled comfortably; protected; sheltered
24. hale – vigorous and healthy
25. whorled - spiraled
1. anathema – anything accursed or consigned to damnation
2. lair – wild animal’s resting place
3. wassail – festive occasion
4. parley – to discuss terms, approach a treaty
5. mail – armor made of rings, chains, or plates
6. mead – an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting a mixture of honey and water
7. baleful – gloomy, menacing,
8. ignominious – shameful; disgraceful; humiliating
9. heathen – a person who does not belong to a widely held religion as regarded by those that do
10. hoard - an accumulation or collection of anything valuable hidden away or laid by for preservation or future use; stock; store
11. depredations – making a prey of, plundering, pillaging, ravaging
12. hart – a stag; male deer
13. alacrity – briskness or cheerful readiness
14. dirges – laments for the dead
15. disconsolate – unhappy; comfortless
16. languishing – to lose vigor and vitality
17. suppurating – producing or discharging pus, as a wound
18. quelled – to suppress; put an end to; extinguish
19. virulent – actively poisonous
20. gloaming – twilight; dusk
21. beseeched – to implore urgently
22. accoutrement – apparel, outfit; equipment
23. ensconced – established or settled comfortably; protected; sheltered
24. hale – vigorous and healthy
25. whorled - spiraled