A.P./Dual Credit Vocabulary Words
How to Read Literature Like a Professor Vocabulary
1. Incredulous (xi) - Unbelieving; not ready to believe; skeptical
2. Archetype (xvii) - The original pattern or model from which copies are made; a prototype. 3. Doppelganger (16) - a double or second-self; mirror image 4. Sublimation (17) – redirecting of unacceptable impulses toward activities regarded as more socially acceptable. 5. Mnemonic (23) - Aiding or designed to aid the memory. 6. Sagacity (23) - profound knowledge and understanding, coupled with foresight and good judgment 7. Ubiquitous (23) - Present or appearing everywhere; omnipresent. 8. Myriad (24) – Countless; innumerable. 9. Hapless (25) – Unfortunate; unlucky. 10. Placid (26) - Mild, gentle; calm, peaceful 11. Tawdry (35) – gaudy; cheap in appearance, and of inferior quality. 12. Simulacrum (77) – Something having merely the form or appearance of a certain thing, without possessing its substance or proper qualities. 13. Verisimilitude (78) - the appearance of being true or real. 14. Obfuscation (91) - make something obscure or unclear 15. Prurient (135) - Lascivious, lewd; exhibiting or characterized by an excessive or inappropriate concern with sexual matters; encouraging such a concern. 16. Benevolent (243) - Desirous of the good of others, of a kindly disposition, charitable, generous. |