Greetings, beautiful people!
Well, who would have thought we'd spend quarter 4 in quarantine, and (probably) finish the year online? One thing is certain, these are interesting and unprecedented times. Please take a look at the letter/poem expressing my thoughts on the situation, here. Fortunately, we have the syllabus, already, and an online platform at, so transitioning to online learning won’t be that much of a struggle. We will, however, miss out on, arguably, the most crucial part of the class – our discussions and interactions – and that makes me sad. On the plus side, though. You are free to work ahead, and if you finish up early, you will be done. (We will still continue the blog until the end, however.) In the off-chance that we do return to school, we will pick up where we are on the schedule. I am putting all our assignments on the website, and I’ve created a Google Classroom and Remind for the class, as well. Here is a link to the Remind account for the class, and the Google Classroom code is erhwi7i. Please join those, if you haven’t already. I am available for help, questions, moral support, etc., so don’t hesitate to ask. Your second book project is on the schedule for next week – let’s push that back to the end of April. Your third (and final) book project will be due by the end of May (when I would like everything in). We will not present them, of course, so I will simply grade the website as the presentation portion. If you were absent for the midterm, I probably can’t administer the vocabulary section fairly as a take home exam, so I have uploaded it with that section omitted. If you were present, I will only count the vocabulary if it increases the score. I am working on procuring digital texts for our two remaining course books. I will keep you posted on those. You will compose an essay for each of the texts from a selection of prompts that I will provide shortly. Your final identity project will serve as your final exam, as well. If you do the video option, you can just send it to me, of course. If you make the poster, simply take a picture (or several smaller pictures). I would still like you to present/explain this project. Once it is complete, record a video of the presentation and post it as a Pacebook post for your classmates and me to see. I have created a revised version of the syllabus for the remaining weeks, so follow along with that, and please contact me to help in any way I can. My goal is to finish this course as effectively as possible while being accommodating, so as not to add tremendously to the stress and uncertainty you all are experiencing at the moment, but not shortchange your education, either. All the best, Mr. Pace
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