Recently in my speech class, we were asked to create a speech based on several debate topics. The one I found most interesting discussed the usage of the SAT and ACT in consideration of undergraduate applications. As we all know the SAT and ACT determine how much one gets in scholarship money and what options they get for college. However is this testing system still relevant, or is it time for a change. There are a few flaws in this system such as a money gap between low and high-income students and the amount of stress the tests put on them. Education starts very early in life. From a young age, higher-income students have had more experiences that give them a strong base in education, such as going to a children’s museum or the zoo. Low-income students due to financial circumstances may not be given this opportunity, thus affecting them later in life. It has been proven that students from low-income families do worse than their wealthier peers. In order to score well on a test, students must have a stable household. Being poor leads to problems that can affect a student’s score, such as not eating well before taking a test. Also, low-income students are at a disadvantage due to the fact that the wealthy can take the test multiple times. The SAT and ACT cost money, and some people only get one shot. As opposed to others more fortunate that can improve on their test scores by taking the test over as many times as they please. The amount of stress put on students is immense. Especially students living in unstable households. The added stress of the test just makes it so much harder on the student’s mind and body. Teachers have reported students getting sick and upset over the tests. Students have a lot to worry about already, with school, relationships, work, and home life adding more stress on that may not be the best choice. The SAT and ACT may not be an accurate measurement in student’s academic knowledge for those struggling with test anxiety. When someone’s anxiety flares up it causes them to enter fight or flight mode. This state of mind causes it to cloud out critical test information. Thus one does not get a true reading of the student’s knowledge Some smaller schools have realized this and are now considered test free. Instead of using the SAT and ACT schools have opted to use one on one interviews or portfolios that the students put together as the “entrance exam” Also schools have created their own entrance exams as an alternative to the SAT and ACT That being said the SAT and ACT are a good way to measure everyone at once. As well as homeschool and religious school students who may not be measured as often. Also going off of GPA alone may not be enough to prove college readiness and A in Idaho may not hold the same weight as an A in Nebraska. Now my questions for you guys are, what is your opinion on the SAT and ACT? Do you think that we should keep this system or replace it? If so what could we put in place besides standardized tests? Lastly, what do you think about test free schools? Sources
12/14/2019 08:08:42 pm
Personally, I think the SAT and ACT shouldn’t be a thing. Sure it helps create statistics but it only helps the students who are good test takers or advanced in their schooling. As for the average student, below average students, or even above average students who do not have good test taking skills, it makes it harder to get scholarships or be accepted into colleges. Most students have their off days where one may do badly on tests due to stress, sleep deprivation, or anxiety. Once their scores come back and everyone around them seems to have a higher score, it only makes the student less confident to excel. Sure other may see this as motivation to do better, but many don’t. Another huge factor contributing to not doing so well on tests is the materials not being taught well enough in classrooms. Having test free schools would remove a lot of stress on students. They could focus on the lesson or materials at hand, rather than trying to remember every single detail, rule, and formula.
Andy Gebhardt
12/15/2019 09:28:48 am
Your point about not excepting at the test is not entirely true. For an unmotivated student they may feel less pushed to excel but others could see it as a challenge to improve. There is the option to take the test multiple times and to work harder in preparation. Do you think enough kids study for these tests or if they do not is that contributing to the dislike around the tests.
12/15/2019 10:29:34 am
I did mention that most students feel less motivated if they get a bad score, but others keep trying to improve. Although every student would react differently to a test score, it’s the fact that colleges seem to define and categorize students by how well they did on one test. While they don’t consider other, more important factors. On top of that, there are materials and tutors that can help you prepare for things like the ACT test, but they cost a relatively large sum of money put altogether, including fee to just simply take the test. Many students do not have the funds to access these tools, which is another huge factor of how taking one test is not as accurate as we think.
12/15/2019 12:52:09 pm
It is a good premise, the idea of test free schools, but how are colleges supposed to analyze potential students? Would they interview every person? I don’t see the merit in removing the test. I think it would not only make it harder for everyone that’s considering us for something but also in turn make it more difficult for us, the students, to feel we learned anything from school.
Tori Weir
12/15/2019 02:58:14 pm
Sometimes is hard to see test scores when they come out because everyone would be comparing with each other. I think it is sad how some would feel discouraged due to their test scores not meeting their standards.
Alyssa Farnworth
12/15/2019 04:44:39 pm
I liked your comments about seeing other's scores and maybe not excelling as well because of it. While it is true that many students may see this and try to do better it is also true that they may become discouraged and feel that they are not smart or good enough.
Andy Gebhardt
12/15/2019 09:26:29 am
Standardized test are one of the best ways for colleges to see student’s abilities. They have issues but overall are a key tool for evaluating the success of education. Many of the opponents of these tests suggest that students who are bad test takers rarely do well on these tests. While this is true there are factors that can be controlled. Being ready for a test like this is important. There are study tool, tutors, and also the ACT is changing in September 2020. It is changing and will allow for students to take specific sections at a time instead of a four hour test all at once. This will drastically decrease the stress of students because it will only be one yet they have to worry about.
12/15/2019 10:16:58 am
It’s interesting that they decided to change the ACT to a much more efficient way of testing instead of doing all the tests in one sitting.
12/15/2019 12:54:23 pm
Well addressed. It’s interesting they are changing the procedure. I think that will take stress of and raise scores overall. What do you think about this?
Tori Weir
12/15/2019 03:01:43 pm
Preparing for a standardized test such as these seems easy to do but many students will procrastinate or not even do it. It is up to the students who want to prepare for the tests and do well. How can we motivate students to study and prepare for the tests?
Brax Kauffman
12/15/2019 03:54:18 pm
I have also heard about how they are going to be changing the test in the next year. I think that standardized testing is a good way to determine a persons academics as long as they continue to change and improve them.
12/15/2019 04:06:40 pm
The students who urge themselves to learn and do greater than what they have in the past, are the ones that most likely are okay with the testing we have. Change is always welcome, and can potentially help the students succeed.
12/15/2019 12:45:25 pm
The SAT and ACT need to be a thing simply because no other alternative we have at this time will give us the information on how much a student knows and retains from their scholastic endeavors. It is a good theory to not have testing I suppose but for myself I’ve never had a problem with taking tests. Life can get stressful and we do struggle balancing things in our lives. Removing standardized testing would not take the problems we have balancing our lives, away. It just wouldn’t. As far as how the person feels about their scores and their drive to work after learning their score I think that sometimes it does dissuade people from trying their absolute hardest to test well. I’ve used it as a motivation personally but it can be detrimental. The test free schools are something I’ve never actually heard of. I’d be interested to see a “test free” school and see the statistics of success from students attending. If there was a better idea proposed to fill the hole that taking away tests would leave I am open to it.
Andy Gebhardt
12/15/2019 12:59:37 pm
I agree with you when you say there is no alternative. How are the “test free” schools supposed to gauge their students abilities? And how can colleges admit them when compared to students taking standardized tests?
12/15/2019 02:39:27 pm
I like that you noted that stress occurs in other areas of our life and isn't something that should completely remove the system. Some people are overall more stressed than others regardless of income.
Brax Kauffman
12/15/2019 03:52:53 pm
I enjoyed how you brought up that they are the best solution that we currently have. I think there may be better options in the future but for now they are all we have.
12/15/2019 03:56:59 pm
I like the idea for the test free schools because it gives everyone equal opportunity to take the tests because they do cost fifty-two dollars. The schools providing at least one test free to students would help out the ones who need it.
Tori Weir
12/15/2019 02:49:42 pm
The ACT and SAT are only really used for colleges and scholarships to see how a student is doing academically. After a student gets into a college both scores do not really matter unless it is for more scholarships or getting into a specific class. Taking the test costs money that not many families and students have financially. The ACT costs “$46” without writing and with “$62.50”, while the SAT is about the same. That is a lot of money just taking it once but if taking it multiple times it is even more money. No matter what, the companies will always try and get more money from the test-takers. This also pressures students to do better on these tests but some are not natural test takers and this can cause extra stress. The best way to deal with these tests are preparing and studying beforehand and this can lessen the stress. Having the test cost and being important for future education motivates students to do well on these tests. Although there are some flaws in these kinds of tests, such as the pressure that goes with it, not seeing the rest of the skills besides the core subjects, being taught to do these tests instead of understanding the subject more deeply and only evaluating the student’s academics from the test score.
12/15/2019 03:01:59 pm
I don't see the problem with the SAT and ACT. If the problem is stress then the argument is weak. Everyone, regardless of income, gets stressed about testing. I think that if someone wants a good grade, they'll work for it. Testing is to see if you know how to learn and I don't believe that earning more money will change your ability to gain knowledge if you want it. We were all given practice books for the SAT and ACT so we can't say that a good score takes money. I am a naturally good test taker and don't usually have to study to do well. Because of this, I have an advantage over those that don't usually test well. However, these tendencies will most likely follow us through life. No one receives a break. No one has it easy. Life is life and you have to just do your best. A test is a test, if you know your weaknesses, prepare for them. Besides, these tests can obviously point out those who aren't ready for college. I understand the reasons for getting rid of them but I don't agree with them. "Test Free" schools would be amazing, but not very helpful.
12/15/2019 03:59:19 pm
I agree if stress is the problem with taking the test people need to better prepare to not feel as stressed. It does not make sense to know a person will be stressed and not do anything about it.
12/15/2019 04:03:13 pm
I agree that earning more money, or having more money, will greatly affect test scoring or give the wealthier a higher chance. It is all to the will of the student or person, if they want to prepare and do well, they will, regardless of the income in their household.
Alyssa Farnworth
12/15/2019 04:40:07 pm
I liked that you stated test free schools wouldn't be very helpful as college itself does not come test free. Students take midterms and finals which can be just as stressful as the ACT and SAT. Without some practice how could we all be prepared? Do you feel students at test free schools will succeed when it comes to the stresses of college testing?
12/15/2019 09:40:43 pm
I agree, Tests are like any other trial we will be met throughout life. Not testing students will make them ill prepared to face adversity and whatever challenges they will face.
12/15/2019 03:50:43 pm
I feel the ACT and SAT are both pains in the butt, but if they weren’t difficult than there would be a lot of unqualified people in the world. These tests are meant to study and record all the information we have gained through the years of school, and show how we can use this information to help solve problems. With out the tests people would have to just pay to get into better schools. With the test people who might not have any money could get into these high class schools because they are smart enough and worked hard. I personally think we need these tests because they have been around so long and nobody has replaced them so they must work pretty well. If the tests were replaced it would be with another form of test potentially an even harder test. Making the test free to students who do not have the money to take it would be very beneficial to them, and schools want children to succeed so I believe more school should do this.
12/15/2019 04:45:14 pm
I agree that these tests should be free, or paid for by the school. The only way to make this any more fair than it is would be to make it accessible to everyone regardless of income.
12/15/2019 05:42:51 pm
You bring up a good point in that standardized tests provide the opportunity for students with less money to attend college. I also like the idea of students who don't have the money for the test not having to pay. How would this be determined?
Brax Kauffman
12/15/2019 03:51:01 pm
I believe that standardized testing is one of the better ways to get an overall understanding over someone’s a academic ability. Obviously there are some problems with them such as availability and how they don’t work for everyone the same but currently they are the best option we have. They continue to improve and I believe that will allow colleges and students to get a better understanding of how they will perform. One of the biggest complaints about the ACT or SAT is how much stress they put on students given the fact it is a timed test. The problem with people complaining about this is that life has stressful moments in it that you will need to be prepared for.
12/15/2019 09:43:35 pm
I agree, the only way they will improve is with time and feedback given to them by the test takers. What are the best ways to prepare for these kinds of tests?
12/15/2019 03:57:21 pm
Standardized Tests are flawed, but are constantly being altered in attempt to make it better. I think it is a decent way to test where students are within their academics. The people who look at the scores and the ones who create the tests, most likely consider many other things other than the scores made. It is also up to students taking the test to use their time to study beforehand, and ensure they get a full nights rest, and other test taking tips they know of. The ones with test anxiety are aware that it will be more difficult for them to score higher, but there are ways to help improve themselves and be confident while taking them. Colleges that look at the tests, probably somewhat consider more than just the test scores themselves. There are some ideas that could replace the tests, but it is not likely that any of them will completely override the ACT or SAT. Perhaps in the future students may have options for the same result for people to look at? I also don't think test free school zones are a great idea, we get tested in life all of the time, and we need to understand how to deal with being under pressure, and standardized tests are one way teens are able to experience this.
Paige Hilton
12/15/2019 04:27:11 pm
I believe testing is a good way to get a general idea of where a student is at academically. However, I do not think that standardized test scores should be so weighted in college applications. If GPA and student involvement were observed on a higher level in student admissions, students would have more of an equal opportunity to attend the college of their choice.
12/15/2019 10:36:47 pm
Although I understand why testing is expensive, it is a shame to see poor students not given the same opportunities because of testing prices. Do you think the testing companies should have a lower price for students who show their family income? Should schools take some responsibility for the students who know struggle financially?
Alyssa Farnworth
12/15/2019 04:31:52 pm
Standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT have many flaws however they are the best option we have at the moment. I understand the many circumstances in life that may alter scores or put students at a disadvantage. Many people say that if you really wanted to succeed you would make yourself succeed I however do not feel this is the case. There are many factors in someone's life that may not allow them to improve, not having the money to retake the test being a big one. Many students don’t know that you have to pay for the test just like many don’t know there are fee waivers. If someone thinks they can’t afford the test they won’t take it, so these options need to become more widely known. Aside from the money aspects of the test there are students who have stressful home lives or many other factors that may not make them score as well on the test. As I have stated, I completely understand the many different reasons as to why the ACT and SAT may not be effective but at the moment I don’t see another alternative. I do believe that the tests are constantly changing so as to make them more effective for students making the future of testing is promising.
12/15/2019 05:46:58 pm
You are right in that there isn't another option that could replace standardized tests at the moment. Do you feel like students make the tests out to be worse than they really are? And in turn, perform at a lower level than what they are capable of?
12/15/2019 09:28:09 pm
Tests like these put stress on students, especially the ones who are poor test takers. That in itself is a problem that can be alleviated with preparation and hard work. There are many students who perform well in school solely because of their work ethic on assignments and projects. The ACT and SAT may not be state of the art, but they are the best option for creating a standard. They improve them whenever they can, which benefits everyone.
Kately (continued)
12/15/2019 09:37:20 pm
The people who work their hardest to study for these tests deserve the scores they get. Colleges can't accept just anyone without a standard to hold their students to. Education is a privilege that some depend on for survival, and its unfair to the people who have the ingenuity and ability to stand above the rest.
12/15/2019 10:32:31 pm
I agree that the tests are the best at creating a standard. It's important to see all students at the same level. Although these tests show work ethic in school, they fail to demonstrate real world knowledge. Do you think there should a test created for this?
Erykah Foss
12/15/2019 10:28:23 pm
Tests such as the ACT and the SAT should not be a heavy influence on college acceptance. These tests should be taken because they can prove college readiness in students. The tests can show how much a school prepares students for college. Most private schools have rigorous curriculums that gear towards educational excellence while others focus on getting their students to graduation.
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