Go show some love. For the last blog post I want to go over our high school experience. There have been plenty of things that have happened to each of us over the last four years and I want to know what are some of the most important memories that you have created during this time. These can be your happiness moments or just something that has had an impact on your life. No matter what these memories are, I want to know why they are what you chose to talk about for your last blog. How have these memories shaped your future plans and how you chose to go through the rest of your life? How do you think your own character has changed over your time in high school? Do you believe you have made friends that you will stay in contact with? Simply, I want to know how high school has changed you and what events happened that caused this change. This may be the last chance I get to learn about all of you in this collective environment and I don’t want to waste that opportunity. Please have as much fun as you can with your final blog.
Recently Sabrina asked me to take a test on “love languages” or how one best receives love. There are five categories that include words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, or receiving gifts. They are measured in percentages. My highest percent was physical touch while Sabrina’s is receiving gifts. This test is based off of a book The 5 Love Languages The Secret To Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman. One of the theories is that relationships fail because they aren’t communicating and they aren’t aware of their significant others' love language and this makes them feel like their other does not care. This isn’t the case most of the time, they just don’t know how to show them that they care. I have found some truth to this and encourage you to take the test yourself. This is not just for someone you are in love with but family members and friends also. It can show that you care about them and are thinking of them. I think that this can be a great tool in uplifting each other at this time.
What do you think of this test and idea? Do you believe it is real and will you take the test? If you knew the love language of another would that make you more likely to do something that will speak to them? Have you already taken this test or are aware of these languages? https://www.5lovelanguages.com/ Mother’s Day yesterday had me thinking a lot about mothers and families. I’m glad we have a day dedicated to our mothers and all their hard work. With the chaos and uncertainty we are all experiencing, I have found a lot of gratitude in having a family to be with during these trying times. Yesterday my mom commented on how close our family has gotten over the past couple of months. As I thought about this I realized how much truth was in her statement; we have gotten a lot closer. Even though we are all struggling through this and frustrated with sports cancellations, online school, and much more, it is easy to see that everything happens for a reason. So my questions for you are, how are you? How’s your family? Have you seen benefits from being in quarantine and dealing with the pains of COVID-19? Do you feel more prepared to be off on your own now that you have gone/going through this difficult experience that will better prepare you for harder times to come? Are you ready for college? It is easy to get caught up in the negative during hard times, I’m glad we have amazing teachers, friends, and family to help us at this time.