Quote "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them." - Ray Bradbury Discuss the meaning of the quote, screenshot, and picture. What are some similarities between the three? What critique do they make about our society?
Chanci Phillips
10/5/2022 09:06:50 am
I think the most difficult thing to explain the people of the past is new technologies and slang that we use today. It would be very hard to explain Bluetooth and what we say to each other that would be an insult in their timeline.
Carter Caywood
10/5/2022 09:10:26 am
I agree with you on how hard bluetooth would be to explain to someone who didn't understand technology.
Britton Hanson
10/5/2022 09:12:40 am
I agree, it would be hard to explain, to someone who hasnt been intruduced to this society.
Wyatt Nelson
10/5/2022 09:14:05 am
I agree with the fact that they would be very surprised with the technology and the things we are using it for.
Jonathan Wilson
10/5/2022 09:42:57 am
I agree with you and how you said things we say to each other now would be an insult in their timeline.
Carter Caywood
10/5/2022 09:08:54 am
The quote means that if you try to do something straight forward it won't work you just have to do things in the background to make a difference.The two images are showing how much technology is running our own lives, showing they are taking more control over modern culture.
Britton Hanson
10/5/2022 09:11:23 am
I agree, I like how you presented it.
10/5/2022 09:14:26 am
I agree the pictures are showing how technology has a hold on our modern culture.
Carter Bill
10/5/2022 09:16:01 am
I agree with how you said technology is running our lives.
10/5/2022 09:24:13 am
I like your take on the meaning of these pieces, it's an interesting view. While technology does advance society, I do agree that in some ways it does corrupt our lives.
Britton Hanson
10/5/2022 09:10:05 am
Now that we can access everthying on our phones, we have become a lot lazier. We dont really have to work for it. Although it is a choice to act, we can choose if we are going to work hard for something or if we are going to look at cat pictures for hours.
Carter Caywood
10/5/2022 09:11:38 am
I was thinking the same thing as we have become lazier with other things to benefit us.
10/5/2022 09:28:00 am
Yes, I agree our generation has got much lazier
10/5/2022 09:33:10 am
I agree that we have become a lot lazier and almost entitled because of the ease in life we have.
Brylee Ganske
10/5/2022 09:44:16 am
Yes, I strongly agree we have become a lot lazier with the availability of the internet.
Megan Aiello
10/5/2022 09:10:07 am
I think the meaning of theses three would be that we don’t have to destroy and discourage people to get out our opinion. We don’t have to crush peoples dreams just because we don’t like where they are coming from or their lifestyle. I think this is a big issue in society where people judge people a lot.
Emylee Perkins
10/5/2022 09:14:39 am
I agree when you say that we can all express our opinions without attempting to suppress others.
Sean Sapp
10/5/2022 09:16:57 am
That is really well said
10/5/2022 09:12:20 am
They all show how humanity has started to become entirely invested in electronics. They show how we have gone from spending our time with reading, innovating, and learning to spending our time on our computers, phones, and iPads. It also shows how we like to use our phones for stupid things like watching cat videos.
10/5/2022 09:15:34 am
I agree with what you're saying, and i like how you talked about us being obsessed with our phones!
10/5/2022 09:17:33 am
I agree about how our culture is down grading and becoming lazy, because we are no longer inovating and learning with these new technologies.
Kanyon Tolman
10/5/2022 09:25:45 am
I think the same, that we've become too invested into all this nonsense with our tech.
10/5/2022 09:29:27 am
Yes our generation is invested in the electronics
Wyatt Nelson
10/5/2022 09:12:48 am
This quote conveys that you can still have books but if you don't have anyone reading them then it doesn't matter because they won't know the messages in your book and won't be able to oppose them. I think that people in the past if they came back they would be shocked to find out that we have this great technology and think we can do great things and think that we are not using our resource fully rather just for pure entertainment. I think these show that our society has become lazy and worried more about less important things that do not help you grow but rather are things that fill your time.
10/5/2022 09:14:37 am
You made a really good point when you said that people from the past would be shocked at how we use all of this great technology!
Carter Bill
10/5/2022 09:14:46 am
I like how you talked about how shocked the people who would come from the past would be about our world today.
Kanyon Tolman
10/5/2022 09:28:49 am
You had some great points, with the quote and people not opposing about something they don't even know exist, and that we use all this great technology for mostly just entertainment.
Brylee Ganske
10/5/2022 09:47:53 am
I strongly agree, we don't use technology for things that could be useful and just use it as entertainment.
Emylee Perkins
10/5/2022 09:12:51 am
All three are about how humans have evolved from primal instincts to embracing more complex societal proclivities. They critique our culture in the sense that they recognize our ignorance and promotion of banning information. I think that knowledge is power and they're trying to cause a blackout.
Chanci Phillips
10/5/2022 09:17:34 am
I agree that the pictures represent human evolution.
Sean Sapp
10/5/2022 09:19:28 am
I agree that knowledge is power and that they are trying to block it from us
10/5/2022 09:26:41 am
The way you see this subject is excellent, I like your take on the situation.
Carter Bill
10/5/2022 09:12:53 am
I feel like the quote is saying that just because the book may not have the best wording or knowledge for one person but to other people it actually means something. Due to the wrong people reading the right books it causes them to grow a bad reputation. Trying to tell someone from the past about our current setting would be hard because when they saw the word in their time where now our world has made so many changes. The photo is describing how we've developed and grew overtime and the changes we've made.
Emylee Perkins
10/5/2022 09:15:49 am
I admire your wording when you say that books that may not be appreciated by some may be very helpful to others.
Wyatt Nelson
10/5/2022 09:16:06 am
I agree with your idea that people reading the wrong books can cause you to have a bad reputation when other people would want to read that book.
Shay Woolf
10/5/2022 09:21:19 am
I agree with your statements.
10/5/2022 09:13:00 am
In the picture it is showing how we are growing and learning but as technology increases our ability to be dependent on ourself and learn a grow is slowly fading as we put to much trust into technology. I think the quote is saying if you put everyone in the dark cave, then no one would question the difference of life in the light. They all relate pushing the opinion that if we don't continue to learn and grow we will shrink down even if the world is still changing around us. We have to keep in the light and keep our eye on the ever changing ways living a thriving.
Briella pace
10/5/2022 09:19:03 am
I love this response, it's very well educated. We are very, very codependent on technology. When it fails we'll all be screwed.
Chanci Phillips
10/5/2022 09:21:52 am
I agree with you about the dark cave story.
10/5/2022 09:13:47 am
The similarities between all of them is that we have evolved. I feel like the meaning is that now that we've evolved to make life easier for ourselves, we've also downgraded in a sense. We don't have the same caveman play because of this. Something that I think would be hard to explain, would probably be all the historical events that have happened throughout history. Along with the technological advancements we've made. But also like Cultures, race, sexism, ect ect. and how all of this has changed so much over the years
10/5/2022 09:15:56 am
I agree with what you said about humans have evolved to make life easier, and how we have pretty much downgraded because of it.
Emylee Perkins
10/5/2022 09:17:14 am
No cap on that rap, amen.
Briella Pace
10/5/2022 09:15:24 am
Every one of the quotes has an aspect of ignorance to it. The fact that we have the most amount of knowledge and resources ever readily available, and we use it to waste our time. We have all the knowledge, we just don't read it, that's quite the thing to explain to folks in the 50's.
10/5/2022 09:36:42 am
I agree, we do waste so much time on pointless things.
Sean Sapp
10/5/2022 09:15:40 am
If you burn books people will be fascinated about why and find a way to discover what was in it. If you want to destroy a culture get people fascinated with another book or just another general outlet. The picture shows the theorized evolution of man and how we grew stronger but are slowly getting weaker again. The screenshot, I think, was meant to just start a funny conversation but also goes along with the rapid growth of mankind. I believe what they all have in similar is if you want to distract a culture from something, there is always something new and amazing being invented to focus attention on.
Chanci Phillips
10/5/2022 09:18:55 am
I agree that the more you try to hide something from humans the more they will want to find out what they contain.
Chanci Phillips
10/5/2022 09:16:32 am
This quote means that we shouldn’t have to remove books that other groups might not agree with. The image shows the evolution of man and humans developing new ideas. These three things are similar because they reflect on how humans have changed and the different opinions they create. They critique the way each human has their own beliefs and right to do whatever they want with their life.
Shay Woolf
10/5/2022 09:22:13 am
I love your points about individuality.
Eilah Foss
10/5/2022 09:22:49 am
I like how you pointed out that they critique everyone's beliefs even when they do have freedom of speech.
Shay Woof
10/5/2022 09:19:36 am
I think the quote is trying to say it is easier to destroy a culture than we might make it out to be. The picture us showing human advancement and what kind of people we are now. This screenshot is showing the maturity of our society, we have this infinate portal to knowledge in our hands and we use it for those kinds of useless things. I think all of these kind of have a depiction of our development as a species. They are kind of hinting at our peak of evolution and how we have been dwindling since then. I think this means that our society for the most part is kind of going on autopoilot and not continuing to evolve for the better.
Briella Pace
10/5/2022 09:22:54 am
I completely agree, we have not been doing well since we started having smartphones. Overall I mean.
Kanyon Tolman
10/5/2022 09:35:51 am
I agree, that we had a peak, and besides for some select few, we have been degrading since. Also, you made a good point that cultures can be more easily destroyed than we thought.
10/5/2022 09:24:35 am
I agree with you about our society going on auto pilot. We seem to not realize what we have.
Eilah Foss
10/5/2022 09:20:10 am
I think the quote is trying to express that no books should be banned because everyone has different opinions. If one idea or book offends a group of people, there will always be another group that it does not offend. The screenshot depicts how drastically life has changed over the years and how different people adapt to change. Many people, even today, still refuse to change their way of thinking. The picture shows how we as humans have changed over time. In the past, it was normal for humans to strive for survival which made us generally stronger. Today, we have so much advanced technology and opportunities that we have the opportunity to work and buy food to survive. These three all show how human's mentally and physically have or have not changed. Along with how difficult it is for people to change their way of thinking because of the duality of our society and the people and ideas that influence us.
10/5/2022 09:21:00 am
10/5/2022 09:23:28 am
I like your interpretation of the picture.
10/5/2022 09:21:38 am
The quote I think is trying to tell us that we are such stubborn creatures, that if we can't have it, no one can. Ray is trying to tell us to get over ourselves and just do whats comfortable for us without taking away from anyone else.
Carson Vennell
10/5/2022 09:22:25 am
The quote means that if humans just stopped reading, it would make people destroy their culture over time. The picture references how humans evolved, but while they were evolving they started to get lazier and lazier. The screenshot shows how we take our phones for granted, and how we have access to all of this knowledge, and we use it for dumb stuff, like animal videos. while we could be looking a important things with so much knowledge, such as memes. These images show that humans make dumb decisions, and we also rely on technology so much, that it is so far integrated in our life, we can't live without it. And that's what these images critique.
Kanyon Tolman
10/5/2022 09:22:49 am
Some similarities are that they were all created by humans, they're all references to society, and they show that society as a whole is degrading. The quote is regarding more about culture, the picture is the process of evolving, and that after a certain point we were more or less degrading, and the Reddit is showing that society as a whole doesn't use their time wisely and we have many unexplainable things we do on a daily basis.
Eilah Foss
10/5/2022 09:24:07 am
I agree with how it depicts the idea that society is degrading over time.
10/5/2022 09:24:05 am
If people stop reading that book it will be forgotten about. The picture shows a monkey turning into a human over time. The screenshot I definitely agree, that if that happened the hardest thing to explain to them would be the devices we use today. I think a similarity is that our culture has evolved so much compared to back then
10/5/2022 09:30:49 am
The quote expresses how changing a culture doesn't have to be through violence but by changing the way a person perceives things. So getting people to choose not to read books is a much better way to change their culture and beliefs than forcing them to through violence. The picture shows how people have changed over time. The Reddit discussion shows how the people of the past would be shocked by how much we have grown and how much knowledge we have and how the majority doesn't use any of this for good. I feel they are similar because they all are about how people change or have changed over time. They all critique us now because they show how we use what w have and what we know for pointless things that aren't important.
Brylee Ganske
10/5/2022 09:31:35 am
The two pictures show that even though our technology has gotten better the way we use them hasn't and are slowly regressing into a more primitive posture. Their quote is saying that if you somehow get people to not want to read then the culture will destroy itself because they don't have the past mistakes to go off of. Similarly they both have humans regressing to a less smarter version. That even though our technology and resources have grown we are not using them there to their full extent.
Jonathan Wilson
10/5/2022 09:41:14 am
I feel like the quote is trying to say that you don't have to burn books just because everyone has their own opinion. If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, Lots of things would be too much for them to comprehend because everything is so much more advanced today. I think the picture is showing human advancement and how we have changed over the years. All three things are kind of pointing at the top of our evolution and how different it is from before. I think the critique they make about our society is that we have evolved really fast and now we don't have to adapt to anything.
Daniel Davidson
10/5/2022 09:52:18 am
The reddit screenshot can be interpreted as a statement about how much we take the advancements of our era for granted. Likewise with the photo referring to evolution, shows that we as humans have spent a long time advancing our means and technology only to seemingly end up wasting generations of progression by spending our lives enthralled by the internet. The quote says that limiting knowledge by convincing people they don't want that knowledge will stop the growth of a society. This ties with the other two. In all of these they discuss that members of a modern world may stop contributing to development, because they grow content in their ignorance or rather become ignorant because they take the available knowledge and advancements for granted.
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