Daily Literary Quote
'Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. -William Shakespeare Journal Prompt Write about your favorite creepy creature. What makes them so frightening? Why do you think people are fascinated by the horrific?
Chanci Phillips
10/31/2022 09:03:15 am
I think chupacabras are very creepy because they are hairless with spikes along their back. People are curious about horrific things because it is exciting and interesting to find the stories behind them.
Megan Aiello
10/31/2022 09:04:52 am
That’s really cool creature!!!
Shay Woolf
10/31/2022 09:09:23 am
I like how you said people are intersted in finding out the scary stories behind these creatures.
Megan Aiello
10/31/2022 09:03:56 am
My favorite creature would be a dragon. I think this would be scary because of how big and powerful the dragon would be, also because it would breathe fire and destroy things.
Chanci Phillips
10/31/2022 09:05:35 am
I agree that dragons can be very destructive.
10/31/2022 09:07:09 am
My favorite creepy creature is a grimlin. Grimlins are really cute until they turn evil and I think they a so creepy because they turned from a cute creature. People like to be scared by things they know aren't real, they like the feeling of a good scare.
Shay Woolf
10/31/2022 09:08:34 am
I like your obersvation about the cute to creepy aspect of gremlins.
Chanci Phillips
10/31/2022 09:09:06 am
I agree that gremlins are cute with creepy characteristics.
Carter Caywood
10/31/2022 09:09:34 am
I disagree, I think these things are real that's why they're so scary.
Sean Sapp
10/31/2022 09:17:13 am
I agree people like being scared when they know they can't be hurt by what is scaring them.
Shay Woolf
10/31/2022 09:07:42 am
I think werewrolves are especially creepy. They are scary because they are regular people until a full moon and then they cant controll the urge to rip you to pieces. I think people are facinated by these because they are so far from reality it is fun and scary to imagine.
10/31/2022 09:10:50 am
I also really hate clowns.
10/31/2022 09:11:00 am
I like how you make the point how they can't control themselves
10/31/2022 09:13:26 am
Yes I agree very far from reality, and fun to imagine
Eilah Foss
10/31/2022 09:14:48 am
I agree, werewolves do not slay.
Carter Caywood
10/31/2022 09:07:59 am
I do not have a favorite, I'm personally very terrified. If I had to choose clowns would be the most terrifying. I think people are just crazy so they want to show it off.
Carter Bill
10/31/2022 09:11:15 am
I strongly agree
Britton Hanson
10/31/2022 09:12:28 am
I agree with you. Clowns are real spooky
Wyatt Nelson
10/31/2022 09:13:10 am
I agree with you on clowns cause you never know with those.
10/31/2022 09:13:36 am
I agree, clowns are not it.
Kayon Tolman
10/31/2022 09:15:21 am
I agree, clowns are able to be way creepier than they should.
10/31/2022 09:15:26 am
I agree clowns are creepy
Brylee Ganske
10/31/2022 09:19:32 am
I strongly agree clown are very creepy
Emylee Perkins
10/31/2022 09:24:00 am
I think it can be fun to screw around because I don't believe in superstitions or monsters.
10/31/2022 09:08:53 am
Mine is the stone fish. Their venom is fatal to humans. I think its because they blend in very well with the habitat around them, so you can't see them very well.
10/31/2022 09:09:15 am
I don't have a favorite scary creature I guess. I hate scary things and I don't find scary things amusing. I think people like to watch horror movies or hear scary stories, because it gives you a thrill in the moment, but you end up thinking about that scary thing at night (or during the day). I've also noticed that people like to tell scary stories more than they like to actually listen, because they already know what happens and they like to see the fear in others.
10/31/2022 09:14:04 am
I like your point about people liking to tell stories more than hear, I´ve never noticed that before.
Kanyon Tolman
10/31/2022 09:17:50 am
Scaring people is the most amusing part of Halloween. I think the same, that scary movies stay on your mind longer than you'd like.
Carter Bill
10/31/2022 09:09:42 am
I feel like anything that is creepy and has to deal with Halloween is a red flag. Everything tries to kill you so there is no real reason to have a favorite when in reality all you are doing is trying to survive.
Carter Caywood
10/31/2022 09:10:43 am
I am equally terrified as you.
Britton Hanson
10/31/2022 09:11:31 am
I like your journal entry. I agree with your statement
Wyatt Nelson
10/31/2022 09:14:35 am
I agree with how it just makes everything worse and scary.
Kanyon Tolman
10/31/2022 09:23:15 am
Yes, I agree that the idea of Halloween is more of a survival from what lurks in the shadows.
Britton Hanson
10/31/2022 09:10:04 am
I do not have a favorite creepy creature but just thought of something following me in the dark is scary. I'm not scared of the dark but I am scared of whats in the dark. It just makes these creatures more interesting. We have just another thing to think about or to even worry about.
10/31/2022 09:12:59 am
I agree with your point about being scared about whats in the dark.
10/31/2022 09:13:57 am
I hate the thought of something following me or watching me as well. I especially hate the saying "you're not afraid of the dark, you are afraid of what's on the dark".
Carter Bill
10/31/2022 09:14:27 am
I am glad you realize that these things are not to be messed with
10/31/2022 09:17:07 am
I agree with what you said
Emylee Perkins
10/31/2022 09:20:39 am
I agree because the dark makes whatever is following you more mysterious since you cannot see it.
Brylee Ganske
10/31/2022 09:20:44 am
Bro, I 100% agree with you
Kanyon Tolman
10/31/2022 09:24:34 am
I think the same, I'm not scared of the dark, but what lies hidden within it.
Wyatt Nelson
10/31/2022 09:11:37 am
I think clowns are very creepy. With clowns you just never know what is going to happen. I think people are interested with the horrific because it gives them ideas that there are more to things then they think and it gets people something to think about. I also think that they are interested because it gives them something to blame what is unknown on.
Carter Bill
10/31/2022 09:12:47 am
Clowns are not to be messed with.
10/31/2022 09:15:16 am
I like how you said people are interested because it gives them something to blame the unknown on, i think that is very true.
Emylee Perkins
10/31/2022 09:21:54 am
I agree and I think that clowns are more ominous because of the makeup and disguise that they wear. We separate them from other people because they look different than human.
10/31/2022 09:11:48 am
I don´t really have a favorite creature because I pretty much just hate them all. I think people are fascinated with the horrific because it gives them kind of that thrill that you get when you watch a scary movie or something. Some people really like the mysterious things that we don´t know a lot about and that are really creepy because they can get that thrill from scaring themselves.
Chanci Phillips
10/31/2022 09:13:34 am
I like how you said that people like the thrill of scaring themselves.
Megan Aiello
10/31/2022 09:15:08 am
Yeah I agree with your statement
Eilah Foss
10/31/2022 09:12:33 am
My favorite creepy creature is the the Aswang. This Filipino myth claims to shape shift. Its main goals is to haunt and harm people that they come across. I think that it is so popularized throughout this country because Filipinos are really big on believing in demons and ghosts. Many people have also claimed to see these shape shifting creatures which probably adds to a lot of the fascination.
10/31/2022 09:29:14 am
That's a really cool creature. I love learning about other cultures myths because of course we're not the only ones who come up with scary anecdotes.
Kanyon Tolman
10/31/2022 09:13:38 am
One of my favorites are skin walkers, since a few years ago I would listen to scary story podcasts, and skin walkers came up a lot. They're shapeshifters with abnormal speed and strength. Some of them have hypnosis tricks that can keep you walking in an infinite loop.
10/31/2022 09:17:59 am
sounds creepy
Emylee Perkins
10/31/2022 09:14:59 am
My favorite creepy creature are ghosts because they have such a broad range of mythology and folklore. I think people think that they are frightening because they are supernatural and usually have violent or scary motives. They also have aspects of preservation after death, which people don't know about and often debate. I think that some people are fascinated by the horrific because they are looking for deeper meanings and fears, or because they want to separate perceived reality from the supernatural.
Sean Sapp
10/31/2022 09:15:57 am
Though there are some fun creepy mythological creatures the creepiest creatures are scorpions. I wouldn't call these my, "favorites", just because they're terrifying demon spawns. What makes them so terrifying is they exist, they shouldn't do that. I think people are fascinated by the horrific for a number of reasons. The biggest of all being the adrenaline rush that comes with it, as long as curiosity and a sense of vindication because anyone watching a horror movie always thinks, I would never do that.
10/31/2022 09:25:37 am
I love the enthusiasm of hating scorpions, I agree with the sentiment. I also agree with the idea that we want the fear simply for the adrenaline rush.
nicolas sessions
10/31/2022 09:31:38 am
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I love your point of view those things are weird.
10/31/2022 09:17:23 am
My favorite creature would have to be a Wendigo, it came as a kind of folklore from Native Americans. It looks like a crazy deer thing is the best way I can describe what one looks like. I think we like spooky stuff because it's a way to describe something we can't describe. Or its a way to make sense of something that doesn't make sense
Sean Sapp
10/31/2022 09:20:16 am
I like how you put humans trying to understand what they can't, or normalize the abnormal
Brylee Ganske
10/31/2022 09:18:22 am
My favorite creepy creature is a Arthropleura, this is because it is a giant millipede, and this terrifies me that something like this actually was alive and can't imagine just randomly stumbling among this creature.
10/31/2022 09:25:51 am
Facts, no cap. They are pretty scary
10/31/2022 09:20:59 am
I am not scared of mythical monsters or the harm they try to cause. I'm scared of true monsters, the quiet and stealthy, so stealthy that we do not realize until the damage is over. I'm referring to people, capable of pleading innocence when that is not the case. The people that are able to violently hurt others physically, or cleverly use their words to twist and break you, until you're a zombie.
10/31/2022 09:24:44 am
I have to agree with everything you have said in this post. My mom also scares me <img src="
10/31/2022 09:25:25 am
That is True, Ur Mom does scare me
10/31/2022 09:23:16 am
I think the scariest creature is a furby. They are demon bats that lead Satan's Army. They enjoy consuming the souls of children, and the flesh of virgins. Horrible, I know. They are Satan's Lapdogs, and are more dangerous than Cerberus himself. He created them from the tears and nightmares of children and that is what they feed and thrive on. They use false advertising, and enchant kids to adopt them, and take them home. As soon as the child falls asleep, the Furby consumes their soul, and then ingests the tasty morsel skin. I think people enjoy the horrific because it can give them a rush of adrenaline, and because its cool, what humans can come up with.
Emylee Perkins
10/31/2022 09:28:09 am
I was walking through a girl scout camp I went to one time and found an entire Furby shrine hanging from trees. It was kind of sick.
Kanyon Tolman
10/31/2022 09:29:39 am
Furbies managed to crawl out of the pits of hell without our realization, and now they're spreading. They've already corrupted the minds of most girls by making them think they're cute.
nicolas sessions
10/31/2022 09:26:12 am
I'm gonna acknowledge Stranger Things and say that I find the Demogorgon is pretty freaky because it can come out of nowhere because it is inter dimensional, it also senses blood so if you have the smallest cut it will know. It's kinda ripped and can lift two full grown dudes without even trying. It can climb walls with ease as well. I found it in the show It was freaking scary. I feel like people like the rush of adrenaline when hearing or watching scary things but I also feel like after the fact I personally begin thinking about it and then my imagination runs wild and I get freaked out so I don't really like scary stuff except Stranger Things :)
10/31/2022 09:26:56 am
I have not a favorite creepy creature and, in fact, really dislike any unsettling demonstration or celebration of the supernatural. I think what makes these things frightening is their undefined nature. Our minds do not know how to react to threats without common or known parameters. It appeals to many people though, because we often enjoy minor adrenaline rushes.
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