Take a quick look at this article for a scientific approach to some of the traits that separate humans from other animals, and then respond to the following questions.
What are some physical/biological characteristics that distinguish humans from other animals? Do you think there are any other distinctions not covered in the article? How would you define what it means to be human?
Blazen Burgess
9/5/2018 02:06:51 pm
We are the only animals that blush and don’t reproduce until we die.
Johnny S
9/6/2018 01:17:56 pm
Some of us reproduce until we die ;)
Caden Caywood
9/6/2018 01:25:10 pm
I like how you said we “we are a lot more intelligent and complicated” that made me happy.
Aidan Adams
9/6/2018 01:28:51 pm
Caden Caywood
9/5/2018 02:07:11 pm
We can walk on our two legs, we can blush, our fingers can stretch across our hands increasing our grip strength and ability to handle tools. We don’t have tails but can still keep our balance. Humans are a lot smarter and use tools and fire to survive, but still help each other as a whole.
Johnny S
9/6/2018 01:17:07 pm
Wow we use that fire a lot. Interesting
Griffin Mylan
9/6/2018 01:24:14 pm
Wow! Very well thought out intelligent answer. Simply epic!
Blazen Burgess
9/6/2018 01:27:32 pm
So Epic! I like how you said “humans are a lot smarter”, that makes a lot of sense.
9/6/2018 01:28:05 pm
Cool thought about balancing without tails!
Preston H.
9/5/2018 02:07:53 pm
1. Some of the physical characteristics that we have is that our hands and fingers have extreme dexterity. We are able to grab and move objects unlike any other animal. We also have the ability to learn and understand like no other animal.
Sammy H
9/6/2018 01:20:59 pm
You used a lot of detail to explain the reason behind the questions, easy to read.
Jordan C
9/6/2018 01:23:19 pm
Very detailed answers to the questions. Also easy to understand.
9/6/2018 01:25:20 pm
The humans emotions are very intense and there is a lot of stuff we don’t understand though
Emma Dahle
9/6/2018 01:30:06 pm
When stating most animals have emotions is true but they are not able to show them like humans. Defining a human as a superior or a more able animal because we have the best understanding of the world is false. If you were set in the wilderness and a bear, who would do better?
Griffin Mylan
9/5/2018 02:08:11 pm
Humans can walk upright and they have a bone in there mouths. They also smart. What they didn’t cover was we are the only animals aware of our existence. Being human means to learn and develop to better the world.
Aidan Adams
9/6/2018 01:25:26 pm
9/6/2018 01:27:03 pm
Nice job adding that we know of our existence!
Dillon Pilkerton
9/6/2018 01:27:32 pm
I agree with you. Learning is epic!
Blazen Burgess
9/6/2018 01:29:39 pm
Awesome! I didn’t know humans could walk upright.
9/5/2018 02:08:22 pm
Some characteristics that separate us from other animals are opposable thumbs. We also have a more developed brain that helps us process things better.
Ariana Williams
9/6/2018 01:24:20 pm
That’s really cool that humans have thumbs and other animals don’t.
9/6/2018 01:28:46 pm
What kind of attributes?
Taylee Matthews
9/6/2018 01:29:34 pm
That’s cool
9/10/2018 11:20:31 am
I think it’s cool that we have things that separate us
9/5/2018 02:08:22 pm
Humans are different than other animals because our hands our designed to have a stronger grip than other animals.
Ariana Williams
9/6/2018 01:25:45 pm
That’s very true and insightful.
Caden Caywood
9/6/2018 01:27:51 pm
Very interesting! I also have heard that humans have the ability to scream at the top of their “lounges”.
9/6/2018 01:29:17 pm
It would definitely be difficult to do things if we didn’t have this characteristic
9/10/2018 11:10:53 am
I don’t remember there being any more differences not mentioned in the artical. Being human is knowing how to feel and to live life.
9/5/2018 02:09:22 pm
We have much thinner hair and bigger brains that take longer to develop and also we have a natural upright posture which allows us to stay balanced on our two legs. Somethings they didn’t go over in the article is that through time we have lost things like tails and different bones in our body. To be human means to be able to think and make intelligent decisions based on previous knowledge or experiences.
Sammy H
9/5/2018 02:09:55 pm
A few things that distinguish human from other animals are we can create words, we sit and stand in a complete upright position, we have the same number of hair follicles or more as other primates but they are lighter, and we wear clothes. A few other things are our brains are more advanced and our hands have adapted to better help us. I think another distinction is our ability to show emotion. To be human means to be able to process how things work around you and come up with explanations.
9/6/2018 01:20:07 pm
I agree with what you said about being human. And us being able to show emotion.
9/6/2018 01:26:14 pm
You have a lot of details in this and it’s easy to read
9/6/2018 01:29:01 pm
Great amount of detail !
Lani Belgarde
9/6/2018 01:33:03 pm
Chayla Slavin
9/9/2018 03:23:42 pm
I think that what you said about humans being able to understand and explain how things work is very true!
Emma Dahle
9/5/2018 02:10:26 pm
Physical characteristics that make humans look different from animals is the way we don’t have hair covering our body in the sense it doesn’t show and our posture when we walk or sit is unique. Biological ways are how are brains work compared to other animals is how we comprehend subjects and able to think properly. I can’t think of anything that the article missed.
9/6/2018 01:27:16 pm
Our posture is definitely something that shows how unique humans are.
Preston Hammond
9/6/2018 01:34:13 pm
When you think about it the article does cover most everything. We are very similar to other animals when you think about it.
Emma Dahle
9/6/2018 08:06:18 am
Physical characteristics that make humans look different from animals is the way we don’t have hair covering our body in the sense it doesn’t show and our posture when we walk or sit is unique. Biological ways are
Jordan Christiansen
9/6/2018 12:18:13 pm
We have a brain more capable for learning. Our larynx sits lower in our throats making it so we can talk while other animals cannot. Being human means we are unique. Each in our own.
Sammy H
9/6/2018 01:18:57 pm
Could use more detail but does outline the right ideas.
Tierryn M
9/6/2018 01:26:04 pm
I agree humans are unique.
Emma Dahle
9/6/2018 01:36:51 pm
As said human brains are more capable of learning but why would human brains be the most capable of learning? When all the animals can learn but can’t generally state what they learned. As human are unique in their own way so are animals, not all dogs are the same nor fish etc.
Johnny S
9/6/2018 01:16:10 pm
We don’t grow as much hair and our ring and pointer fingers can cross down to our thumbs. We also don’t reproduce until we die (most of the time) and it takes humans a lot longer to be ready to separate from parents
Griffin Mylan
9/6/2018 01:28:34 pm
Nice comment! I didn’t know that most of use don’t reproduce for very long. Very interesting review, chief!
9/6/2018 01:38:31 pm
Very true. This covers the main point of the article.
Ariana Williams
9/6/2018 01:17:16 pm
Some differences are that we have thumbs and walk up rightly. No, I think they have covered everything. Being human means that we may be the same species, but we all have individual qualities that make us special.
9/6/2018 01:24:26 pm
I agree that we are all special
Faith lafferty
9/9/2018 03:38:40 pm
I think that is very important to know that we are all very unique!
9/10/2018 11:23:47 am
I like how every individual person is different that they are not the same.
Taija nickle
9/6/2018 01:19:50 pm
Our hands are made to have better grip. Also we don’t have hair covering our bodies. We are smarter and we can all on 2 legs instead of 4
Tierryn McElhaney
9/6/2018 01:22:44 pm
We are the only animals who blush and wear clothes. Humans have deeper and more serious emotions than most animals, humans let emotions control them. Being human means respecting and accepting everyone no matter the differences.
Lani Belgarde
9/6/2018 01:31:25 pm
That’s a good point.
9/6/2018 01:23:20 pm
I think the article forgot to mention that humans have more complex emotions and lack more so in self awareness. When were born we are already labeled without wanting to be and we already have a said role we’re supposed to play in life. Humans tend to hold onto feelings and express it in a way others can use it against them. We simply don’t let things go, and most of the time we don’t want to. This and of course, our physical differences. Though, being human to me means we can be more understanding to each other and means being able to use our complex brains and emotions to better the world.
Lani Belgarde
9/6/2018 01:32:16 pm
Chayla Slavin
9/9/2018 03:20:46 pm
I like how you stated that humans are born with labels attached and how other animals don’t face the same thing.
Aidan Xavier Adams
9/6/2018 01:23:50 pm
1. We have the ability to blush and our thumbs can touch our pinkies.
9/6/2018 01:35:39 pm
I think it’d be pretty rad if in the future we make technology that can comprehend colors were incapable of seeing.
Dillon Pilkerton
9/6/2018 01:24:26 pm
Humans have the ability to speak unlike any other animals and can also can walk on two limbs. Humans also rely on sight much more than other animals. Being human means to be much more intelligent and complex than any other species.
9/6/2018 01:26:52 pm
That was a very smart awnser
9/6/2018 01:43:51 pm
I agree with you on that we are more intelligent and complex.
9/6/2018 01:24:36 pm
Humans have thumbs and the ability to blush and speak. To be human means that we have an advantage because we have better developed brains, therefore, we are able to reason, make choices, and show more emotion then other animals.
Taylee Matthews
9/6/2018 01:30:53 pm
I agree that we show more emotion that other any species
9/6/2018 01:24:49 pm
One physical characteristic that separates humans is that we walk on two limbs instead of four like most animals. A biological difference is we have one of the slowest developing brains in the animal kingdom. Humans survive on touch where most animals survive on smell or vision. Being human means to be different and more knowledgeable than any other species on this planet.
Dillon Pilkerton
9/6/2018 01:30:43 pm
It’s cool how animals rely so much on touch.
9/6/2018 01:39:27 pm
I like that point, but I don’t really agree on being more knowledgeable than any other species. I think that we have the ability to see equality and we have the ability to know we are all equal, weather you’re a human or an animal :)
Taylee Matthews
9/6/2018 01:26:43 pm
A physical characteristic is that our hands are designed to have tighter grips than animals and our brains are more developed. To be human means that we have more knowledge experience then other species.
9/6/2018 01:42:23 pm
Like how you added experience.
Faith lafferty
9/9/2018 03:40:40 pm
I love how you put that we have thumbs so we can have better grip on items.
9/6/2018 01:29:54 pm
We as humans are unique to all other animals. Where are some things that are unique to us; blush, walk upright, and have extordinary grip. We also show are emotions more than others. Humans use what makes them unique.
Lani Belgarde
9/6/2018 01:30:26 pm
Humans can blush, we have opposable thumbs, and we have the ability to talk, read, and write. Being human means that we can go beyond just surviving and study the world around us with our discovery of science.
9/6/2018 01:33:23 pm
I agree that we can go beyond just surviving
Chayla Slavin
9/9/2018 03:16:23 pm
One physical distinction between humans and other animals is that we stand straight up and walk on two legs.
Faith lafferty
9/9/2018 03:35:20 pm
Some of the traits that separate us is that we are the only ones that blush. Another trait that separates us is that we have a very slow developing brain. I believe being human means that we are capable of changing our surroundings and being able to create joy and happiness.
Brooke reinholz
9/10/2018 11:19:17 am
What distinguishes humans and other animals is how we have a stretch of imagination more than they do. I think they covered everything. Being human means is we change the world for better or worse, we can do great things at times but also horrible things.
9/11/2018 08:18:41 am
Humans can blush. Another distinction is the the way humans communicate. What it really means to be human: if you got flesh, bones, and a soul
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