A frequently debated topic found in youth and young adult culture today is the idea of voting. "Does my vote really matter?" teens ask. Well, in short, the answer is yes. Why wouldn't you vote? What harm would come from it? First of all, government policies effect youth as well as adults. For example, in 2015 a bill was introduced that would make many expensive textbooks open-sourced (AKA: cheaper). Knowing about what policies effect you can help you to make an informed and important vote. Many young people do not take this into consideration when deciding whether or not to vote, but it is a crucial point. Second, we live in a representative republic (very different from a democracy, even though schools teach that we are a democracy), and our right to vote at the age of 18 was not obtained until 1971, when the 26th Amendment was passed. This gave young people the power to change the future to one that is beneficial for them, so why not take advantage of it? And finally, the younger generations are most underrepresented in votes. Older demographics tend to vote consistently, and under the same beliefs. Our generation(s) need to be represented, and who better to represent our generation(s) than ourselves?
Do you think it is important for youth and young adults to vote? Why, or why not? Is every vote important?
Jesse B.
1/27/2019 09:38:15 am
The nation we live in today is changing. How we live and our education is being manipulated by the government. The good part about that is we, as citizens of the United States, get a chance to influence those decisions with voting. The power of the vote depends on where one lives and what type of election it is. An example of this is that an Idaho vote is different from an Ohio vote in a presidential election, but the value of a Lemhi county vote in a local election is considerable. We have been granted the right to vote so why let that go to waste? Also, your vote might be the one to bring about change. Everyone should “Pokemon GO to the polls.”
1/27/2019 05:28:54 pm
I agree Jesse, voting at local elections directly affects us and we could make a substantial difference by simply voting.
1/27/2019 05:29:16 pm
I think that the power of the vote depending on where you live is less of an incentive for people. That's where people get the idea that their vote doesn't really matter. But I agree, since we can vote, we might as well take advantage of it.
1/27/2019 06:38:12 pm
We should not waste our right to vote. It is the only way for the people you want in power to be there, so don't waste it. The only reason your vote won't matter is if you don't vote.
1/27/2019 02:29:37 pm
I think it is important for young adults to vote. I feel we should educate ourselves on current events and politics so we can pass an educated vote. The most progressive and culture-changing ideas come from the younger generation(s), so we should express those ideas through voting and being involved in politics. Our culture should be dynamic - if our generation is not coming up with new ways of thinking, then our culture will not grow and improve itself. In addition, our votes are important to a certain extent.... A candidate for and election can still lose even if he/she wins the popular vote. Besides this fact, it is crucial for everyone to vote - we got to represent!
Jesse B.
1/27/2019 03:10:51 pm
For most of human history, the young have invented the new. It is our job to bring about change, not our parents. I most definitely agree with you Kels. We should be informed voters in order for us to make better decisions. If we do not represent ourselves, someone else will. How could you incentivize our generation to get out to vote?
1/27/2019 05:33:08 pm
I agree that our culture should be dynamic and more open to growth and change. As the younger generation, we need to be the ones to do that. The older generation doesn't know how we are evolving and what direction to go.
1/27/2019 06:38:56 pm
Each generation has different visions on how the world should look, and voting is how we change those rules. I like how you brought up the topic of progressive ideals and where they come from. Great points.
1/27/2019 05:28:13 pm
I think that it is important for the younger generation to be voting. We are the future of this country, and we should be able to have a say in which direction we go. Like Kelsey said, if we continue to let the older people shape our generation, then it is not flexible with our ideas and our country never grows or really gets a change. I think as an individual the vote doesn't really matter, but when you get a larger group of people who think the same thing, then it does make a difference.
1/27/2019 05:33:25 pm
That is true, getting a large group of people to vote the same way could really make a difference. I think a lot of young adults simply do not understand how to go vote or how to get the information on what they are voting on. If we could make the information more readily available, then maybe more young people would vote.
Jesse B.
1/27/2019 06:03:28 pm
I like what you are saying Katherine. There is strength in numbers, especially in politics. Even though the older generations are dealing with similar problems. they have different opinions on those issues. It is our turn to take charge and let our voices be heard. If you were change the way we vote, what would you do to make the vote of the individual more effective.
1/27/2019 06:43:04 pm
Exactly. If all the people that think their vote will not matter actually decided to vote there could likely be a change.
1/27/2019 07:13:15 pm
This is literally so true. We’re the ones that are going to be running the future, it’s best that we get involved joe rather than later when we can’t control anything.
1/27/2019 07:41:03 pm
We need a balance between both and letting younger generations vote creates this balance.
1/27/2019 06:23:51 pm
First of all why wouldn't you vote? It doesn't take that much time out of your day. If we don't vote for the laws we want we won't get the laws we want. The youths' voices should be heard. We are the future of our country after all.
1/27/2019 06:40:42 pm
It’s true! The desired outcome with never come without the vote. People share their opinions all day, so I don’t see why anyone would choose not to vote. Instead of ranting on Facebook for three years, go put your vote in the system.
1/27/2019 06:42:36 pm
In the grand scheme of things, voting does not take that much time at all, and its importance outweighs the cost. We should take a few minutes out of our day to help sway the direction of our society.
1/27/2019 07:20:59 pm
True. This is the way for everyone to voice their opinion with no one judging them.
1/27/2019 07:23:13 pm
Do you think a lot of people do not vote because they do not know what they are voting for? I think a lot of people do skip voting because they do not want to vote for something they have no information on. I also think our future is going to have troubles with order because of our mindsets. We all have our own opinions and we are extremely stubborn.
1/27/2019 06:36:38 pm
Having the opportunity to vote is something everyone should take advantage of, especially young adults. Fresh out of high school, we are ready to change the world and have an influence upon society. Interesting how many adults choose not to vote, yet nearly all the younger generations are dying to get their voice heard. We have a large sway in society because of that, whether the reasoning be noble or selfish--either way a vote is casted which ultimately shapes our world. Our new ideas differ from the previous generations; voting is how we change society to fit each incoming new age. If we do not vote, the world will essentially keep the same set of rules.
1/27/2019 06:44:33 pm
I completely agree. One generation’s mindset will not be the same as the next’s, so it’s important to vote to make sure the country moves ahead to fit each group.
1/27/2019 07:19:07 pm
Do you think every persons vote matters? Or do you just believe the mindset of people has to be that their vote matters so that we have people vote? It is interesting to me that you focused a lot on how our generation is into out opinion and ideas where as older generations are not. Why do you think that is?
1/27/2019 07:47:48 pm
I agree that we need to change the rules. I also find it ironic that as young people we want to be able to have an effect and change society, but the only people who end up getting elected are very old, there are very few (relatively) young presidents.
1/27/2019 06:37:45 pm
There’s no reason not to vote. Taking a short amount of time to input your opinion is something people do every day, so why not make the opinion mean something. If everyone has the mindset that their single vote is insignificant then the results will know show what people actually want. The people that dislike voting are usually the people that complain about the results, and actually going out and voting might change the outcome. If the younger generation does not vote, this country will continue to grow how the previous generations want it to. That’s not to say that their wants and needs for the future are wrong, but ultimately this country will fall into the hands of the young and it needs to be someplace that we can work with.
1/27/2019 06:43:45 pm
If someone isn't happy with how the results go they should vote. Voting is something everyone over eighteen can do so why not vote? Get your voice heard.
Challis luker
1/27/2019 06:49:40 pm
You're right. We need to make sure our future is something that we can work with. A simple vote is not that hard.
1/27/2019 07:11:38 pm
There really is no reason not to vote, it’s simple and can be fairly fast. It’s a great way for us to get our voices out there!
1/27/2019 06:40:03 pm
It is very important to vote. If everyone said "my vote won't matter" than nothing would even get voted on. Obviously many people do vote but there is such a high amount of our generation that thinks an individual vote will not matter that if every person in this mindset decided to vote there could be a dramatic difference in the outcome. Our generation often complains about how the elders do things but often many of us do not do anything about it. If we want change lets do something about it instead of complaining and doubting. Of course, it is not suggested to vote blindly. Everyone should do their own extended research on what/who that are voting for and why.
1/27/2019 07:51:59 pm
That's true, one vote can do a lot. Everyone's vote matters, but only if they are voting for the right reasons. There isn't much we can do about the complaining going on. I agree that research should be involved while making the decision to vote.
1/27/2019 07:57:35 pm
I believe that knowing the value of your vote is what scares people. Why would you want to vote for terrible candidates if you knew your vote mattered? If your vote matters, doesn't that make you partially responsible for the winning candidate's decisions?
1/27/2019 07:10:35 pm
You don’t lose anything if you vote so why not do it? You could possibly be part of a movement you believe in so there are only benefits. Young adults’ voices matter and voting is just another way for us to get our beliefs and options heard and recognized. Everyone wants to complain about what’s going on in our country but they won’t take the time to change it, voting is just another tool of change.
1/27/2019 07:20:08 pm
That’s a very good point. What does it hurt, nothing?
1/27/2019 07:52:02 pm
Voting can make you feel guilty. The government is a complete mess right now. Is it true that all Trump voters are still confident in their choice, knowing that they voted for this insane man?
1/27/2019 07:16:48 pm
This topic is hard for me because there are so many factors that have to be considered when deciding who is qualified to vote. For example maturity. I believe there is a small number of youth that could be ready to vote before the age of 18. However a lot of things they will be voting on (almost everything) will affect taxes and teens under the age of 18 do not have to pay taxes which I believe should not allow them to vote in those instances. Looking at the other end of the spectrum (adults voting), I think there are a lot of adults who should not be voting because of lack of knowledge. To me 18 is at a good age because you have to start paying taxes and are considered a legal adult. But if there was a way for younger age youth to vote on certain things if they affect them greatly I would be all for it.
1/27/2019 07:19:05 pm
I think it is important to vote. In my opinion no one should complain about who won or if the law, Levy, etc passed if they didn’t vote. Those who don’t vote but complain about the outcome didn’t try to voice their opinion. Voting is important whether someone thinks their vote matters or not. If those people didn’t vote then only a certain demographics opinion counts.
1/27/2019 07:49:05 pm
I agree, if someone isn't going to vote they do not have the right to complain about the outcome. I do not believe that people under the age of 18 should be able to vote. Many of the 18 y/o now are barely mature enough to be voting.
1/27/2019 07:36:23 pm
As important as I think voting is, I think the voting age should remain as it is. People are mature enough as an eighteen year old to decide how the world can control them. If they can smoke, if they can sign papers for themselves, they have the right to vote. Different circumstances are also coming around and those who are young should help shape what they grow into.
1/29/2019 12:17:51 pm
I agree that the voting age should stay where it is. 18 year olds are mature enough to make decisions and should be able to have a say in how their country is being governed.
1/27/2019 07:46:38 pm
It is important for everyone to vote. We do not want someone in charge of our country if we don't believe they are capable of being a leader. I do think that people should have a strong valid reason before they decide to vote. If young adults are voting just because they think it's cool I don't believe that time should be wasted on something that donsn't have valid reasoning behind it. The last election I believe 9 percent voted for "deez nuts" if that's what they are going for then no they should not be voting.
1/27/2019 07:47:58 pm
I think that the younger generation should vote, but if they don't want to, that's ok too. For example, Donald and Clinton weren't exactly easy to choose between just because they are both such poor choices. A lot of the older generation didn't vote for that reason. Young generation representation is extremely important because it brings on choices for the next generation. But if the choice is just too difficult, no one should be ridiculed for not voting. The fact that every vote counts is what scares people. They don't know what the outcome of their choice will be.
1/29/2019 12:16:26 pm
One should never shy away from a difficult choice. Even if the options are poor, you still should choose the lesser of two evils. One thing I have noticed is that people who do not vote also often complain about the condition of the government, which is ridiculous if they did not vote.
1/29/2019 12:13:06 pm
Voting is extremely important. Our system is set up in order to ensure that every vote does actually count, even though it does not always feel that way. Voting is crucial because it ensures that each person has a say in the governmental system. In order to be a contributing citizen, a person should definitely vote on all matters from local to federal.
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