Our school and community has always been known as the 'Salmon Savages.' It's a rite of passage to advance from being a 'Brave' to being a Savage. We see it as something to be proud of, a symbol of our youth and our town. But, as you all know, there have been attempts to disband our namesake. The people of Salmon, especially the students, quickly shot down that notion and became fired up at the audacity to even propose an idea such as that. Although, others understood and took a shaky side; that our mascot is offensive to the Native Americans. I certainly wouldn't want a slanged version of our race paraded around, but yet I couldn't really know how it would affect me because it isn't the other way around. Plus, if a new school today were to suggest naming their mascot the 'Wild Natives' it would be shot down immediately, would it not? But what about the schools and colleges that have literally filled the spot of that 'offensive' role for years?
The mascot is something we look up to. We strive to be 'Savage' material, right? And surely if other big shot cities get to keep their titles (Such as San Diego State; the Aztec Warrior), then why should we be any different? Or would it be best to change, because of that very reason? It's not just Native American mascots that are targeted and called racist. Below is a link of other 'Racist College Mascots Left in the U.S.' So, what would be best? Should mascots that could be viewed as offensive and racist be replaced? Or should they keep their place regardless? https://splinternews.com/here-are-all-the-racist-college-mascots-left-in-the-uni-1793853276
4/7/2019 02:31:01 pm
I don't think that mascots should be viewed as offensive at all. They definitely should not be replaced. Others may think differently than I, but a mascot is meant to represent the school, not a race. If it is a poor representation, then it should be a poor representation of the school, not of whatever race might take offense by it. People in today's society are too easily offended, some things just aren't meant, or created to be offensive, yet people have trouble letting even those things with good intentions slide. Some things should be removed but others are have no bad intentions and should remain.
4/7/2019 05:38:44 pm
This is all an opinionated subject. As we all know words can mean many of different things, no? People use words everyday that could offend someone. Someone in the world could take it and apply it as wanted. I’m not picking a side on whether it should be changed or shouldn’t. I just know that nothing anyone says is ever going to settle the argument. There will have to be a change made. A compromise.
4/7/2019 06:23:48 pm
I agree that mascots should be a representation of the school and not taken to be offensive by the general public. The name "Savages" was not chosen to hurt people but to commend the schools bravery, courage, and energy in their sports teams. You said some things should be removed, what things do you mean? There are many famous sports teams who have been forced to change their names over the years, why some and not all?
4/7/2019 06:50:13 pm
Yes, a mascot should be a representation of our school, so do we want to be represented as racists? It would be very difficult to change it, but maybe we should so we are not viewed as an offensive school.
Jesse B.
4/7/2019 07:54:40 pm
I agree that the savage is meant to represent our school and that people can easily get offended these days. I never thought of how our mascot was never meant to mean anything offensive. Do you think that this issue is worth fighting for?
Jesse B.
4/7/2019 05:36:12 pm
Who are we? That’s right, we’re the Savages. The strong, courageous, and unwavering warriors of Salmon, Idaho. Ever since the creation of Salmon High School, we have had the Native American Savage as our mascot and it is our duty as students to keep it that way. If one were to look back on the history of various Native American tribes, they would find that many of them were violent towards other tribes as well as white settlers. Some examples would be Lakota, Apache, Comanche, and the Shoshone. The view that the Indians were just helpless and fearful people is false. Many were proud of the warrior culture they lived and Salmon High School is honoring their beliefs. Another argument is that many college and professional athletic organizations have mascots much more racist towards Native American populations than ours and they get to keep theirs. The Washington Redskins come to mind as well as the Cleveland Indians. The Cleveland Indians baseball team’s logo can be viewed as quite atrocious. Why should a multi-million dollar organization shown on national television year-round be able to keep a revolting insignia while little Salmon High School with an empowering mascot cannot?
4/7/2019 06:29:01 pm
I agree Jess, there are many famous sports team who have not been forced to change their names so why should we? But, on the other hand, there are those who have had to change. Why only some of them? Honestly, I think that it really comes down to money. We do not have the funds to change to a new mascot. That would mean redoing the track, bleachers, gym, signs, and advertisements. Also, if you remember, there was a push to change the mascot just a few years ago and the community banded together against it. Salmon is proud to be the Savages and I do not see that changing.
4/7/2019 05:36:20 pm
The name of our mascot has been contemplated for years. I personally feel it’s one of those topics that will always be argued. The reason for this is the fact that are county is very set in stone. We aren’t big on change at all. It doesn’t have to do with just the mascot either. It has to do with tons of other things too. New programs coming in such as common core, building new schools or buildings, changing old rules or laws. Are community likes what works, if it’s working good enough then why change it? Right? This is a big reason everyone isn’t open to changing from the Savages. I for one know that the way we use and look up to the word Savage is no way derogatory at all. It means being strong, not giving up, a brotherhood, a family. It’s why we look out for each other. But I also know we will never be able to use the Indian headdress as our mascot. But we could use a different symbol. We could keep the Savage name and have a mascot. One we could use. There has to be a compromise somewhere or nothing is ever going to change. Whether it will be one way or the other is up to everyone else.
4/7/2019 06:36:35 pm
I agree, the Native American Headress will never be allowed to be used. We could just change the symbol to something else but as you said we don't like change.
4/7/2019 07:19:57 pm
Yes, we are a very stagnant people when it comes to change. We revise the meaning of a symbol to become personal instead of the widely accepted connotation, which is understandable to us, but perhaps not to others.
Jesse B.
4/7/2019 07:58:34 pm
I agree that this topic will always be argued, but I really am intrigued by you proposition of a compromise. I would be all for having either the name or mascot, but I would like to arrive on a decision. There have been many ideas that have been thrown around though no decision has been made. What would be some of your ideas for a new mascot/name?
4/7/2019 06:19:57 pm
4/7/2019 06:33:41 pm
Money is a big problem for our school which is definately a good reason as to why our school's mascot will never change. Even if we wanted it to change its not like we have the money to do so.
4/7/2019 08:09:29 pm
Using terms with a historic background just make the school pride stronger when we have something in reference to.
4/7/2019 08:17:42 pm
I never thought of the money aspect of mascot problems. You are right that many schools don't have the resources or the time to deal with a change.
4/7/2019 06:27:24 pm
Personally, I like the name Savages. I know it has been debated many times through the years but it is our name and will probly stay that way. If people are offended by the name we could just change the figure we use as the mscot itself. I don't think people will ever stop debating it though, it is too controversial.
4/7/2019 07:21:30 pm
It will be interesting to check back into Salmon in a couple years and see if the name is still allowed--probably. Curious to wonder if the times will eventually reshape it, though.
4/7/2019 07:53:54 pm
I wonder what the future of Salmon’s mascot will bring as our nation becomes more and more progressive. If you could pick an alternate name for our school that still captures the power and passion of Salmon High School, what would you choose?
4/7/2019 07:56:46 pm
I like the name Savages as well. I can see how it would offend some people though. It was meant to be taken cruelly to Native Americans. I also think that Salmon Savages will be that for as long as we're around.
4/7/2019 06:43:40 pm
I can see why native americans would be upset with us portraying a native american chief as a "savage" because the term is negative. The word came about because of the ignorance of white people assuming that native americans are nothing but dumb and violent. The matter is different than the Aztec Warriors because the term "warrior" is not derogatory or disrespectful. Of course, "savage" by itself is just a word but when you combine it with a native american there is no way it cannot be considered offensive with the history behind it. With that being said, I believe we do have the right to be savages but portraying us as native americans is not right. The mascot needs to be changed but the name perhaps does not have to.
4/7/2019 07:06:50 pm
Yes, I completely agree with you that it is an offensive word - especially in conjunction with a chief headdress. Also, it is very unwelcoming to people of the native american culture.
4/7/2019 07:54:49 pm
That’s actually why we have stopped putting Native American symbols (like a chief or something) in our jackets! Of course Savage the restaurant still depicts Natives along with the name Savage but our school has taken measures to make sure that we do not.
4/7/2019 08:06:56 pm
If you look back though, the Native Americans were indeed much more primitive than the Spanish who came over. Compared to Cortez and his group, they were pretty much wild animals. Both were equally cruel and brutal, but Cortez just had the power to exterminate them. It wasn't just an assumption that Native Americans were inferior.
4/7/2019 07:01:54 pm
The word "Savage" has a negative connotation, and it is an offensive term. It refers to someone who is brutal, cruel, and immoral. I understand that we have always been savages, and we have to hold on to that school spirit, but wake up to the new century where offensive terms are not acceptable. I think we should call ourselves the Salmon Steelheads - it has the alliteration, Steelhead are a powerful fish, it is fitting towards Salmon - and most importantly, it is not racist! We should have more pride in our natural surroundings (Steelhead are a great representation of our culture and history) and be respectful of ethnicity.
4/7/2019 07:09:22 pm
Just something to think about. The comment of how being called a Salmon Savage can give somone pride beyond comprehension is great and I would have to agree on feeling the same way as them. But I think to some people it does not give them “pride beyond comprehension” to be called a Savage which is a good point you are making.
4/7/2019 07:49:17 pm
I would love to be a Salmon Steelhead! It still holds the powerful sound and stays faaaaaar away from stepping on anyone’s toes. Even though “savage” isn’t used as a negative slur as much today, the fact that it once did should deter anyone from using it as a mascot. It’s just disrespectful.
4/7/2019 08:25:05 pm
The problem is that "savages" isn't really an offensive term. Also, what changes in 'the new century'? Technology? People? The only thing that has changed is our technology, we are the same people, why should our mascot change now?
4/8/2019 06:04:14 pm
Savage does have a negative connotation and I really like your idea of the Steelheads.
4/7/2019 07:45:49 pm
As an African American, I would be pretty offended if a school decided on a mascot such as the Mulattos or something. While the term itself shouldn’t be offensive, the connotation along with it makes it an inappropriate term to use. The same goes for the term Savages. We may see it as just a word and wonder why big city dwellers get so upset about it, but if we look at how the word has been used in the past to discriminate against Native Americans, then it’s not so hard to see why this mascot might be insulting. Just because the use of the term in an offensive manner isn’t as common now doesn’t mean that it wasn’t used as a disrespectful label before.
4/7/2019 07:52:58 pm
What do you think would happen to the Savage Restaurant??
4/7/2019 07:58:32 pm
I think that they would either have to rename and remodel, keep the name and design as a sort of memoir, or sell the entire business. This would seriously suck but I do not agree with the term being connected with Native Americans, and Savage Grill makes this connection with the artwork.
4/7/2019 07:54:11 pm
Hearing it from this point of view opens a door for me. I can see how that would be offensive to people who were called these names. It makes it easier to understand that they aren't just words. They have a meaning and it is disrespectful to their race.
4/8/2019 06:05:18 pm
You're right. The word is offensive with the history behind it.
4/7/2019 07:51:28 pm
I understand that some mascots can be taken as offensive, but most are not meant to be that. They were meant to show how strong our teams could be. It is not fair that not all mascots are being attacked and called "offensive" but for the few people out there that do find them rude can only attack small areas like Salmon. For the big sports teams that make millions of dollars, I can see why they aren't having too many problems with their mascot. If Salmon were to get sewed because our mascot is offensive we would lose that fight almost instantly. I don't think we should have to change our mascot because it is meant to show how brave and strong our team can be.
4/7/2019 07:57:13 pm
I don’t understand why the redskins aren’t offensive if savages are? What if cowboys are offended because Dallas doesn’t always play the best and the out a bad rap on “cowboy” even though they have nothing to do with each other.
4/7/2019 07:52:04 pm
Do Natives actually find this mascot name offensive? I do not see a problem with it but if a majority of Native American people did then maybe we should implement some changes. I am sure it wasn’t originally meant as a dig at their culture or anything but I can totally understand why it could be taken as offensive. We can still have school spirit even if our mascot changes. It’s not the name that important it’s our teams and how we represent. Maybe it would be better for us to turn away from offensive names such as ‘Savages’. If the name became a serious issue with the people it would be directed towards in a derogatory nature then yeah I would say we should change it. I am not especially for or against changing it but I can see both sides of it :)
4/7/2019 07:55:37 pm
The rumor I head about why the name started to piss people off is one person was mad at the town for something so he/she decided to go after the name of savages. Their anger had nothing to do with the name or mascot just the people so they took it out on future generations. This is salmon rumor so no idea if it’s true or not
Katarina Whitson
4/7/2019 07:53:37 pm
I think we should stay the salmon savages. Some may find it offensive but in today’s society people find everything offensive. The way people are now a days they can take any innocent thing and make it offensive. With our mascot people don’t like the savage name but they really don’t like that we use an Indian head. Salmon is known for the birthplace of Sacajawea. A Native American woman. Although some may not consider her “savage” as being Brita and mean. She made an impact on everyone around her and she was proud of who she was. I feel as though that’s who we are representing but we can’t be called the Sacajaweas (there is controversy about her name, how to pronounce and it spell it. See my point people get offended but anything.) Anyways keep our mascot brings back the Indian head and go back to who we used or be before society changed us.
4/7/2019 08:29:10 pm
I agree that having the savage as our mascot brings us back to where we started. Since we can’t have Sacajawea we should be something close to that.
4/7/2019 07:58:25 pm
I think the mascot should be left as it is. Savages are tough, nasty people which is what many Native Americans were back then. If you look back in history, they were many cruel groups of people, including white men. It's in the past. It does not mean they still behave that way. Many easily offended people have taken it too far, as if it were harming someone. It's not. We aren't going to see someone as less of a person because of something their ancestors did 100 years ago.
4/7/2019 08:30:21 pm
I agree that people are offended over things like this that don’t even matter. You were right to say since it’s not harming anyone is it really an issue?
4/7/2019 08:25:35 pm
I love being a salmon savage. It sets us apart from the other schools. Being a savage is being brutal and vicious. I believe that this is a good mascot because it says that our sports teams are tough and don’t give up. It’s pretty cool that we have the opportunity to be something different than the other schools. Being the salmon savages was never a problem until people took it the wrong way. Like conrad said, people get offended too easily nowadays. I think part of it comes from all of the social media attention. People crave the attention and it makes for situations that shouldn’t happen.
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