In another blog, the discussion was brought up whether makeup means success. When most people think of objectifying body image, they usually think of woman . Recently though there has been a series of different memes relating to the subject of men's bodies and what the trend is now. Some people stand behind dad bods and some stay with the time old image of a guy with washboard abs. For many years woman have been judged for not being skinny enough or being too skinny. Different trends come and go body shape and size. In most cases men's body size and shape has stayed relatively the same; tall, skinny, and muscular. Now people are testing the boundaries arguing dad bods are in and six packs are out. In case someone didn't know dad bods are classified someone who isn't trying to impress girl's anymore and have let themselves go, to an extent. A slight belly, strong but not toned, and looks they have fathered a child, hence the term dad bod. As urban dictionary put it "if human bodies were sea mammals, dad bod would be more like a grazing manatee than a speedy dolphin." What's your opinion on this? Do you think it is weird dad bods are in trend? Should men have the same physical standards as women? Does this new idea of how men look represent the upcoming generations idea on body image?
1/6/2019 04:09:35 pm
I personally enjoy a male that is fit. However, fit to me is when a person is taking care of there body both physically and mentally. This does not mean they have to have a six pack or toned though, it simply means I enjoy a healthy person. I believe that being healthy should affect your career and job placement. This is because people are happier, more confident, and their brains function fully when being taken care of.
1/6/2019 05:36:56 pm
Yes, being healthy is much more important than body image. When your body is happy, most times the person is as well. Putting on some pressure on society to be more healthy is probably a good thing.
Jesse Bellamy
1/6/2019 06:13:05 pm
I wholeheartedly agree that one needs to have a healthy body and mind. It does not matter so much how you look, it matters more on how you feel, body and mind. Would you do anything to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles?
1/6/2019 06:21:11 pm
A healthy body is always a hot body. As Kelsey said I think putting more pressure on society to be healthy would be great. This definitely includes a healthy body image
1/6/2019 06:58:24 pm
I agree, a healthy body is preferred over someone who has let them self go. Whether someone has a preference on someone with a "dad" bod or not, it all depends on what there person thinks of them self.
1/6/2019 08:06:11 pm
I think that fit is the right word, doesn't matter how a man looks but as long as he is fit and healthy.
1/6/2019 09:01:18 pm
Healthiness should come first if anything. Body type should not matter on that front. Being healthy is what our society should strive for.
1/6/2019 05:15:36 pm
Self body acceptance is becoming a huge thing in today's society. This makes men and women more likely to let themselves go because they've been taught that others' opinions don't matter. So no, it's not that surprising that dad bods are becoming a thing. The only fact that does surprise me is that, in a heterosexual relationship, heavier women are praised for having a fit, handsome spouse, while men usually are not. Instead, men are seen as jerks if they have gorgeous girlfriends, as if all that matters to them is the woman's looks. So, if a man has a dad bod, you automatically assume that his wife does too. The overweight and the fit, healthy people tend to stick to their own groups. I believe that, yes, people should take care of their bodies, but if they decide not to, that's their choice. I would personally enjoy a slim, fit figure, but dad bods are expected after having children, which is fine. In the past, having a little extra belly meant you were rich, but today, we know sure well that that is quite the opposite. It's very bad if all you can afford is the hamburgers and fries at McDonald's. So no, I do not believe that the dad bod could ever succeed the traditional, muscular body.
1/6/2019 05:42:37 pm
Yes, our society is severely divided between the thin and the heavy. Sadly, I don't think this division will ever balance out. A person's body can say a lot about that person's lifestyle, wealth, and mental well-being.
1/6/2019 06:51:13 pm
It is interesting to view how body images define a person. It is especially prevalent in media. Large men are either powerful or repulsive, small women are either meek or fierce. You are right, there is division between the sizes, and I do not think that will change.
1/6/2019 09:04:33 pm
Self image issurd are a problem in today's society. Men and women both have it bad. It is a person's choice to be healthy or not.
1/7/2019 12:16:20 pm
I agree with you. I believe that the idea of the dad bod becoming a trend is a way for men to combat the original idea of the feminist movement.
1/6/2019 05:47:46 pm
I believe all bodies should be represented in media. Self image issues are a big issue initoday's society and with the "popularity" of the dad bod it introduces a different body type. People need to accept whowyhey are and if they want the six-pack they shouldsabsolutely go for it. The classic toned, six-pack ab body isn't going anywhere anytime soon and well everyone has their own preference. It is about time that the media realizes that. However, I personally like both the dad bod and washboard abs.
1/6/2019 06:18:42 pm
We love properly represented bodies in media. I totally agree that both the six pack and dad bod should be readily accepted!
4/28/2022 10:17:14 pm
I really like u saying both are fine and should be accepted. I personally think health (physically, mentally & social well-being). Furthermore, I guess ppl ignored a fact that diff. body fits diff. ppl, like for males, someone w slim muscular and broad shoulders look the best, some look great when they are a bit fat, Arnold Schwarzenegger look best in his young classic Mr. Olympia built. I want a healthy life and wide shoulders, low fat, between six-packs and dad bobs but a bit close to the 1st one.
1/6/2019 07:00:10 pm
I didn't think about it that way. I agree, people should be accepted no matter what they look like. Self love and self acceptance is very important.
1/6/2019 08:51:23 pm
Yes! The lack of diversity in body types in social media is disappointing. Men have just as many self image issues as women and it’s important for there to be more representation for dad bods and all other types.
1/7/2019 09:14:35 am
I agree that preference is the most important part. I think this pertains to all things in life; where you live, what you do, how you look. It goes back to personal happiness.
1/6/2019 05:57:30 pm
I don't think it is weird that dad bod's have become popular because the standards on women have changed as well. Female models have become increasingly more curvy. Several celebrities have encouraged women to be comfortable with a little extra cushion and have set a new image in place. It makes sense that a similar trend is being set with men. I think that dad bods and curvy women are both a good and bad shift in body image. It is good because people have more confidence in embracing their physical self which does wonders for a person's mental health. It is bad because it gives everyone an excuse to not exercise and be physically fit. With less laborious jobs, easier living tasks, and much greater technology, people are having and will continue to have a harder time getting exercise.
Jesse Bellamy
1/6/2019 06:06:12 pm
The ability to make excuses has most definitely gone up with this body positivity movement. It is great for someone to feel good in their own body except when it is bad for their health. I agree that a shift in lifestyle and eating habits is to blame for the larger body size. What would you propose to get people more active in their lives?
1/6/2019 06:07:24 pm
Yeah, mental health is extremely important, but if you have a good looking body, then that confidence usually comes with it.
1/6/2019 06:43:16 pm
Society has become more accepting, even encouraging, about body image. If people choose not to be healthy that is their choice and they have to deal with the repercussions, but at least they are not shamed for being that way as much as in the past.
1/7/2019 12:17:29 pm
I think you're right for the most part, but if you look at the magazines with 'plus sized' women as the models, they're no different really than your normal sized woman. They're just normal women who aren't photoshopped to be a size zero.
Jesse Bellamy
1/6/2019 05:59:31 pm
I am all for the dad bod because it means less work for me. If I could just go out without trying to make myself look hot and get a date, my love life would be a piece of cake, but that is most definitely not the case. Personally, I like to keep myself fit because I when I am healthy, I tend to be more confident and my mental state is more stable. So, not only do I look better, my potential date would be less likely to turn me down. For other men, I truly do not care about how they look as long as they are healthy enough to not be killing themselves. Overall, this is about body positivity and how one feels about themselves. Whatever floats your boat man, just be ready for drift into into interesting waters if you chose to put little to no effort into yourself.
1/6/2019 06:16:42 pm
Wow, haha that's great. Yeah I wish it was the same for me. Unfortunately, it takes effort to make a relationship work. 😂
1/6/2019 06:50:50 pm
Jesse I love this 😂. You are right though, there is still definitely a stereotype of how men should be fit. But, it is most important to be happy, like you said.
1/6/2019 06:16:40 pm
In all honesty I think it’s great that the ‘dad bod’ has become more socially acceptable. Body acceptance has become pretty big recently and it’s mostly been campaigns for women. Even if a lot of people think the dad bod is a joke I believe it makes men feel immensely better about their body.
1/6/2019 06:48:11 pm
I agree, I think that it is very important that body acceptance is becoming more prevalent in men and women instead of just women. Being healthy, mentally and physically, is important for everyone.
1/6/2019 08:11:50 pm
I hope the definition of a dad bod doesn't get stretched so overweight men can convince themselves that they are fine without losing weight. As bad as it sounds, sometimes ridicule does help people lose weight and help themselves.
1/6/2019 06:33:48 pm
Dad bods have always existed, it's just that they are only now being recognized. Why do you think that is? I believe it is because of the evolution of relationships in society and body image. In the past, it didn't matter what kind of body a man had, he would get a wife. Currently, there is no societal enforcement of marriage, so people are free to choose who they wish. Tastes vary, and perhaps the dad bod is now attractive because people are associating it with a certain age. A man with a soft stomach may seem more friendly and 'husband material' than a man with a six pack. 'Dads' are attractive because of what they symbolize. Each body type seems to come with a definition of what a person would act like, usually. Though, around the board, a healthy person will overall be received as more attractive.
1/6/2019 07:24:29 pm
I agree that a guy with a dad bod seems like more 'husband material', I think this is because they don't need to focus on themselves as much. I don't agree that every body defines a person, but for the most part it does.
1/6/2019 08:56:31 pm
This is an excellent observation. When I see a dad bod I envision he long run, while the six pack makes me think of the near future. Is the dad bod not healthy?
1/6/2019 06:45:59 pm
The whole push for “body image acceptance” recently has been mainly associated with women. But why? Isn’t it just as prevalent for men? I personally think that men should be able look however they want because being healthy is the most important thing. And not just physically healthy, but mentally healthy as well. Men and women both should be able to be comfortable with how they look. I think that the “Dad bod trend” represents a growing acceptance of people looking any way they want
1/6/2019 07:26:32 pm
I agree that the acceptance for men's bodies is showing the awareness we are creating today for all people. We are not just focused on the healthy and fit. It is great that more people are finding self confidence from this.
1/6/2019 09:21:12 pm
Body acceptance should be for both genders and the dad bod brings us closer to that acceptance.
1/6/2019 07:12:28 pm
A healthy body is a happy body. If a "dad" bad means that someone has let them self go to the point that it is unhealthy I don't think dad bods should be in style. If a dad bod means that a man is still healthy and just doesn't care about a six pack, then it shouldn't matter what other people think. If someone prefers a man that isn't worried about their weight, but still remains eating and looking healthy, it doesn't matter what others think. In today's society self acceptance has become very important. If people accept the way they look, and are happy, while still maintaining a healthy life who cares what anybody else thinks. Especially if They have found a partner who loves them for who they are and the way they look.
1/6/2019 09:16:27 pm
I agree, as long as they are happy it should not matter. If they have someone that loves them too, all the better.
1/6/2019 07:21:57 pm
I'm not going to lie, I am a sucker for fit bodies. However, if I were to get with someone with a dad bod, I don't know if I could really complain. They would have more time to focus on you and not the gym, they would provide a pillow, and they can't shame you for eating whatever and however much you want. I don't think it is weird that this is a trend, being that everything eventually has its time. With today's movements on being self confident with who you are, no matter your size, it's cool that this is getting recognition. It also encourages others not to shame a dad bod when they see it.
1/6/2019 07:48:56 pm
I think Dad bods are healthy, look perfectly fine, easier to maintain, and doesn't stop anyone from doing any physical activity. While as a person, I'd rather own a muscular body without the belly, I can realize that eventually it will come and not dread the fact. There will be a time that It will be a lot of trouble to maintain those abs, and when it comes, not to worry about it. What I will not let happen and cannot stand are overweight people who don't care about maintaining a healthy body that can still enjoy outdoor activities with family and friends.
1/7/2019 09:17:20 am
I like that you brought up people becoming overweight because they do not maintain their weight. Do you believe this is because of trends in our society. For example, almost praising overweight people if they love it, fast food resteraunts, processed foods etc.
1/6/2019 08:49:41 pm
In my opinion, body type doesn’t matter as long as the person is healthy and confident. Having a belly isn’t something to be ashamed of because we are all just floppy meat sacks. Unless a person’s body is keeping them from doing the things they need to do, they’re fine. The only requirement I have for a significant other body wise is that they have more squish than me, and that’s not too hard. Keep the body happy and you will most likely be too.
1/6/2019 09:11:12 pm
I think this is all a matter of personal preference. Men should not be judged either way. Personally, I don't mind a dad bod or wash board abs. If you like wash board abs rather than a dad bod than that is YOUR preference! It shouldn't mean dad bods should be degraded or vice versa.
1/7/2019 12:23:47 pm
I think that there is a strong push from society for people to accept themselves as they are. However, I think that the up and coming trend of the 'dad bod' is kind of a dumb trend. America is basically the most obese country in the world. This is in part due to our ease of access to junk food, but it is also due to the fact that people never exercise anymore. Those who do, are seen as fit and attractive, while those who don't are seen as if they don't care about themselves. In the case of the 'dad bod' trend, there are several reasons that it could be coming about. One is that women are starting to seek relationships where they'll be valued and also in control, and if the man is in worse physical shape than they are, they're likely to be in a relationship with him because he will appreciate her more. And the next is because men are starting to push more against the feminist trend with their own ideas and aspirations.
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