On January 22, 2019 New York City passed an updated abortion law by passing a bill in the state. The bill was signed by Governor Andres Cuomo. Which changes some of their previous abortion laws but does not change all.
One of the major changes is that after 24 weeks, if the mother's health is at risk or the fetus is not viable, the baby can still be aborted. Before this bill the law was limited to abort after 24 weeks if the mother's life was at risk. Another part of the law allows other medical practitioners to preform the procedure besides just doctors. This law gives the mother more time to think and to decide if she wants an abortion. It also allows supports the Roe v. Wade law that states, "Every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion, pursuant to this article." This law has also brought up a lot of commotion, one, because the changing on the wording from "mother's life at risk" to "mother's health at risk" could be a numerous of things and is broad because mental health could be put into that category. Second, the law brings up the brutality in how the procedure is performed because it will be being practiced on 24 week old fetus that are developed enough to look like a child and could live out of a mother's body with medical help if needed. Do you believe this law should be aloud to get passed within a state? Or do you believe the Government should be in control? Would you feel comfortable living in a state with a law as such? Also do you think the law has greater benefits because of this change? Or greater cons? Sources Used https://statelaws.findlaw.com/new-york-law/new-york-abortion-laws.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-york-passes-abortion-bill-late-term-if-mothers-health-is-at-risk-today-2019-01-23/ https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/ob-gyn-rejects-ny-abortion-law-absolutely-no-reason-to-kill-a-baby-in-third-trimester
2/3/2019 03:27:33 pm
Honestly I think people should be able to do what they want to a point. If either the baby or the mother is going to suffer long term health problems then it’s not worth their well being. Why be miserable for the rest of a persons life if you know early enough. This is my opinion except when the baby is closer to term. I think it is a hard line to find where the baby turns from a small fetus to a living human. As I said it’s a hard decision and law to draw a line at. I’ve had a family member get an abortion because she had the possibility of dying. She’d already had two kids and her pregnancies with them resulted in two premature babies who were in the NICU for weeks. This child could have been in worse shape and her body didn’t respond well to being pregnant due to different health conditions. I’ve also had a family member who had a lot of kids and each pregnancy her health was worse and eventually she had a son who has physical disabilities. Although it makes both of their lives rough. I know she wouldn’t change her decision.
Jesse B.
2/3/2019 05:29:03 pm
To have your ideas based on people you know and what they have gone through is invaluable, especially since you have both sides of the spectrum. It ultimately is up to the parents on what to do, regardless of what others think. Do you think a law like this would ever pass in a place like Idaho and could this go nation-wide?
2/3/2019 06:09:46 pm
You make a good point that people should have a degree of personal choice for almost everything. You also put up experience to agree with the health statement. I just hope that it doesn't get taken too broadly.
2/3/2019 06:40:31 pm
What do you think the number of weeks should be until a person can not abort? Also, I agree that it should be completely up to the women to make the decision of having an abortion or not.
2/3/2019 07:09:04 pm
I agree that it should be the individual’s choice, especially if the health of the baby or mother is bad.
2/3/2019 07:24:07 pm
It is their choice if they want to have an abortion or not. A person's health is definitely a big factor in the decision.
2/3/2019 07:44:40 pm
I also think that people should be able to do what they need to do. Forcing someone to go through a pregnancy that might hurt themselves is not right.
Jesse B.
2/3/2019 05:21:42 pm
Ahhh… Abortion… The topic that has divided people and families. I do not feel as though I deserve a say specifically on abortion. I have never been around it and I have never been in a situation with abortion. All I know is that both, pro-life and pro-choice, have arguments that make sense in certain situations. To answer the question posed by the blog, a law of this kind should be passed by state governments and not federal. The states would be able to gauge their populations more effectively and find the right time to pass a law like the one in New York. If this law were passed by the federal government right now, people would be outraged and take to the streets, especially in heavily conservative states like Idaho.
2/3/2019 05:25:31 pm
I agree. States should decide not the federal government.
2/3/2019 06:11:13 pm
The federal government is there to mandate nationwide concerns that affect everyone as a whole and should let the individual choose individual actions. I agree this should be a state law.
2/3/2019 07:11:25 pm
I agree that abortion should be decided statewide rather than nationally by the federal government.
2/3/2019 06:08:09 pm
I think that this law that could be passed in a state and only by state. It is a personal choice and should not be mandated by the federal government. I personally do not have enough ethos to deal with this topic or state a completely educated opinion on this like Jesse, but I do believe that at that age, abortions should be available if health problems are at risk. Life and health are not all that different if looked at over the long run, one has to look at the big picture and not just at whether a life is on the line or not.
2/3/2019 06:27:42 pm
Glad you and Jesse are being respectful.
2/3/2019 06:37:46 pm
Yes, if having a baby that could affect ones health in the short run or the long run, then having the option of abortion is important - especially if the person can not support a baby. This will just add to the number of people on welfare.
Jesse B.
2/3/2019 06:45:01 pm
Putting a big-picture thought process to abortion is a great way to look at it because it makes people think of what is important to them for their lives. I most definitely agree with you that the federal government should not get involved with this debate. In your opinion, when, if ever, would a law like this pass in areas like Idaho?
2/3/2019 06:31:01 pm
I think this new law should be passed across the country. I do not believe this is a law each state should control because it is unfair some states allow abortion and other don't. There are women in every state that face this decision, so they should have the same rights. I also strongly agree with New York's updated law. It should be completely up to the woman whether to abort or not if it affects her health - which includes mental health. Having the option to abort is important for women that can not support a child. Not having this option is a violation against our independence and our rights.
2/3/2019 07:28:05 pm
I feel like if some states don’t allow abortions and others do it can cause issues such as a woman going to another state to get an abortion and then facing legal troubles from family or the father or something in her home state
2/3/2019 07:29:07 pm
That is a good point on why each state shouldn’t be allowed. Along with that, I agree that women should have equal rights across the country and with that they need options.
2/3/2019 07:30:21 pm
You’re right. Having equal rights across the country follows our rights a lot more than having each state decide individually on this particular law.
2/3/2019 07:41:50 pm
I agree. Why make it legal in some states and not others? People will just go to those states to get it done if they can but what if they cannot afford to? The women should have the right to go under such procedures no matter where they are in the states.
2/3/2019 07:45:25 pm
I agree. Women should not be less or more validated in certain locations. Something as fragile as life should not be state opinion based.
2/3/2019 07:17:05 pm
Abortion is a topic many have debated. I believe that it is up to the woman if she wants an abortion or not. Having the option for safe abortions should be in all states but it should up to each individual states on the cut off date. Personally, I don't agree with the date that New York has set because by that point the child is fully formed. However, I also know that this is only my opinion and not the answer for everyone.
2/3/2019 07:29:28 pm
Do you think there should be other regulations on abortions? And at what point in the pregnancy should they stop allowing an abortion?
2/3/2019 07:21:56 pm
I believe that every woman should have the choice of abortion to protect her health, mental and physical. I agree with the law being passed, but I do not support the fact that the baby can be aborted until the day before it is born. Before the brain has formed, I don’t believe that the baby is alive, but this is just my opinion. Someone in that situation may decide that abortion is necessary after the point of the neurotransmittions in the baby’s brain, and that is up to them. I think that abortion should be legal nationwide so that women can have that choice, but the cutoff date should be decided statewide.
2/3/2019 07:26:30 pm
I agree that the states should be the ones to make the cut off date, while it’s still legal across the country. A woman’s health is the most important thing and if not aborting is going to cost her that, it’s not right.
2/3/2019 07:29:08 pm
I agree. I think that every woman has a right to her body and her choices, and I agree that abortion until the day before it is born is morally wrong.
2/3/2019 07:29:58 pm
I agree that abortion should be legal nationwide and the cutoff date should be statewide.
2/3/2019 07:23:11 pm
I think that a law like this should be passed by the states. I do think though that it should be more accessible only because some people preform unsafe abortions at home. To me, it really is the woman’s choice. It’s her body and if she doesn’t feel that she can go through with it, she shouldn’t have to. My birth mom had four abortions before me, I’m guessing because she wasn’t ready. She gave me up for adoption because she couldn’t afford me. So there’s options, but the woman’s physical and mental health should be taken into account.
2/3/2019 07:40:39 pm
You are very right. Her body, her choice. Nobody should decide for the woman. If the woman is not ready to have a child, she has the right to decide. I agree that this should be passed through the states.
2/3/2019 07:24:39 pm
I believe that, while abortion in general is morally wrong, if there will be long term health consequences for a woman to carry a child or if the child will have long term health effects that will bother them for their entire life, then abortion should definitely be allowed. However, I believe it should be a federal decision, so that there are equal rights for women across the country. I also think that men should not be the ones who decide this, as they have no idea what it’s like to carry a child and the medical issues that could arise from it.
2/3/2019 07:37:48 pm
Nobody should be able to decide but the woman who is having the child. Abortion is a good option to have if there a future health problems at risk. A woman should be able to choose her life over one that is not born yet. This sounds horrible but she has the right to choose.
2/3/2019 07:27:01 pm
I believe women should choose what they want with their bodies. Of course I do believe in some limitations such as no abortions in the third trimester unless it’s a risk to the mothers health or the baby is stillborn. In the second it should be health issues as well, doctor recommended etc etc. In the first I think if the mother was raped, the fetus is of incestuous origins, or if the mother doesn’t want it (to a degree, she shouldn’t be able to have multiple abortions because she’s having unprotected sex constantly). Women are going to find a way to have abortions wether it’s legal or not, it’s best if there is a healthy option available. The law passed in New York is a step I think.
2/3/2019 08:29:27 pm
Yes, the choice should be left up to the women. I agree with your qualifications, they seem reasonable and fair.
2/3/2019 07:33:54 pm
A law that gives a woman time to decide is a great idea. I personally would never abort a child, but I do think in certain cases it can be the best solution. Some families can not afford a child. If there is no chance of the mother or child surviving the birth or something of the sorts, than abortion is the need option. Some women just don't want kids and that's fine. I believe a woman should be able to decide if she wants to create a life or not.
Challis luker
2/3/2019 07:34:19 pm
I believe that it is important for women to have a choice in carrying a child or not. Especially if they are in no financial situation to take care of a child, go through pregnancy, or also in the case of sexual assault. I believe it is fair to have it legalized over the country because it is not fair that it is only legal in some. It may cause some political problems because of the different views but the way I see it is if you do not like it do not do it. Personally, I do not support getting an abortion and I do not think that I ever would get one but I do believe that every person has a right to decide what happens to their own body. An abortion should definitely be done as soon as possible if at all but I am not educated enough in the subject to say when that cutoff point is. The only reason there could be an abortion in the third trimester is if there is some medical issue in which it is unlikely either the mother or child will not survive.
2/3/2019 07:56:32 pm
To me, abortion in any situation is absolutely horrible, but denying a woman the right to do so just causes tension. So, yes, a woman's choice is important, but only because it brings more balance to human disagreement.
2/3/2019 07:40:53 pm
There is one thing that remains constant across the entire United States: people and their need for healthcare. In this case, abortion laws should be changed equally in every state. Someone in Ohio does not deserve more say in the taking of someone's life than someone in Oregon. Location should not determine a unborn child's right to live. I do not feel comfortable with abortion anywhere, but I do understand it is necessary in some situations. I will say, it seems silly that 24 weeks isn't enough time for a mother to decide, but that is my opinion.
2/3/2019 08:25:18 pm
I agree, location is not the best determining factor for deciding upon whether or not one is allowed to abort a child. It would be easier if the law was unanimous across every state. Even if people disagree with the law, they will find a way to get around it.
2/9/2019 06:00:22 pm
You make a very good point about the laws being equal across every state. I also agree that abortion is an uncomfortable topic. I do not think that any of us can truly understand it unless we have had a personal experience involving abortion. This also makes me wonder if the people who are actively trying to pass these laws, and those who make the ultimate decision have any experience with it. Are they educated enough to be deciding?
2/3/2019 08:23:29 pm
Abortion is a taboo topic in politics which, unfortunately, I think will never be settled. I personally believe the choice should be left up to the woman since she knows her boundaries and is the one carrying a child. Men should not decide for them--that is absolutely unjust and wrong. It's like a farm goat telling a mountain goat what it can and cannot do; the two are entirely different in context and physicality.
2/9/2019 05:56:43 pm
I agree that ultimately it is the woman's choice. Do you think the laws should be state or federal?
2/9/2019 05:55:44 pm
I do not agree with abortion under any circumstance, it is simply morally wrong to make the choice to kill a living being. But, I do appreciate and respect the rights of women and ultimately it is their choice whether or not to carry their child. I agree with many of the previous posts and say that this should be a state law and not a federal one so that each state gets the chance to vote and decide on the issue.
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